
I couldn't disagree with you more. I actually like Rihanna. I like her music, I think she is one of the most beautiful women on the planet and I think she looks like a shit ton of fun. But… I also think that a large part of her is simply manufactured, including and not limited to her not giving any fucks.

Scroll through her instagram feed and count how many times she tags not giving a fuck. I stopped following because of it.

If Rihanna really gave no fucks, she wouldn't waste as much time as she does telling everyone that she has no fucks to give.

Leslie knows how we all feel about Rashida

Please do!

Or possibly like your home is at the mouth of the entrance to hell

Your kid sounds awesome

Are... are you saying you're not human? If so, can we meet?

Nothing NOTHING creeps me out more than a house decorated in entirely blue christmas lights. NOTHING! (I don't know why)

I actually think she could be great. But I have a soft spot in my heart for her ever since Something About Mary.



I was definitely under the impression that she wanted a multicolored Northface jacket, which was amazing in it's own right. This is even better

This horrible shit woman likes her guns.

I have the same issue. My result is painful for about 10 mins and expensive, but way better than the itching.

I must say, that while I don't think I could ever not wax, I very much enjoy your username.

I'm all for everyone doing whatever makes them happy with their bodies… specifically in an area that couldn't be more not my business than pubic hair. What I don't understand is how they can deal with the INSANE itching. If I get a week past wax time I feel like I have no time to do anything other than shift

To be fair, I'd be ok with 300 John Cusacks with boom boxes overhead.

Ha! One of my teeny tiny nieces is Athena. We're not Greek myth fans, but it is a very popular Greek name

Haha I thought it was Ozzy