
A coworker of mine has a license plate that is a Japanese swear. They didn’t bat an eye (Missouri).

That is what it looks like when Picasso mods cars.

Is its natural habitat driverless on the side of the road?

Got a pic of the driver.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see someone else who caught that.

I love being able to say:

I will refer you to the wisdom of tiny, tiny Richard Hammond:

I really want to meet this 17 foot, 8 inch tall man and see him drive what is clearly a truly enormous car over some Range Rovers.

It’s fine. I wasn’t the passenger.

When those child laborers start to fidget it really makes me worry they’re gonna roll it off the 8 other jack stands I have it on.

I’m going to make this short because I’m typing this while driving back from lunch, but do you not use those seatbelts or a carrier that is buckled in or anything?

Older tires. It happened once when I was in the shop (I didn’t do it.) Obvs you don’t want to be driving around on those tires anyway, I don’t know what the plan was for them but you also don’t know if a tire has a failure or something in it until it explodes. In an ideal world everyone would always inspect to see why

I actually don’t know anyone that doesn’t have this same vacuum. When my girlfriend moved in, she brought hers and we had 2 for awhile. It’s so easy to take apart and clean, I’ve never had any problems with it. I don’t understand why you’d buy anything else. I bought it 4 years ago from Lowes (I think) for like 75

I actually don’t know anyone that doesn’t have this same vacuum. When my girlfriend moved in, she brought hers and

I’ll be frightened of those things as soon as they start shooting bullets at people.

How is this not winning the vote for worst right now? I doubt I’m going to scroll down and see anything worse than this.

I guess so? But then you put it on your own car where it’s barely even readable? Also, I live in Missouri; I don’t think there’s any kind of feud with the Greenbay Packers. I’m more inclined to think that this dude was superrrr gay and really proud about it, and also he likes the Chiefs....maybe. Still not sure and

Like, I’m all for you being out and proud. I’m just offended by how confused I am. Where do you even buy this? The driver was a 50-60ish year old man with a beard and a sour look on his face.

Was it at least 8 grand worth of fun?

Scrolled down to ask this question. Was not disappoint.