
not knowing all the words, i suspect.

That’s $1,000 worth of Geo Metros.

Someone with photoshop skills needs to turn that dust cloud behind it to a wake of dollar bills. To show the real time depreciation.

Well there’s the problem, it’s addressed to the Honorable Ajit V. Pai

There will be a lot of nuanced, level-headed discussion in this comment section.

Minimalist design is still cool right?

Up next, an in-depth comparison between the driving ability of the average Angeleno and a box of hair.

What’s more impressive? This guy’s homemade drone reaching 33,000 feet or my homemade 747 reaching 400??

No, he’s the flavor of tough guy coward who has no problem sending others to die for terrible reasons while he mixes a martini with cadet bone spurs.

Oh man... the rare apple prototypes! I remember a few years ago (maybe more than a few) when some media company got a hold of an iPhone 4 from a bar and it caused a HUGE problem. They weren’t invited to Apple events, I think there were some legal ramifications, etc. Have to go look up who that was...

I’d rather cycle to work

Someone put a sticker like this close to their tailpipe(s). That would be a period correct modification.

I’d imagine it has to be something similar that goes off.

The worst part is that much of what Shirkeli did remains perfectly legal. Congress collectively clutched its pearl necklace, pointed an accusing finger at the villain of the day, and then proceeded to do... abso... fucking... lutely... nothing.

Also just so we’re clear, you’re essentially saying that the police are more effective in IDing a car in this situation than a community of enthusiasts? Bullshit. You cite one mistake (that was self corrected) but the police never make mistakes identifying vehicles let alone suspects right? RIGHT?!?!

Journey matches up well.

I wanna rot for a few weeks, so I’m good & bloated. Then I wanna get launched out of a cannon at my neighbor’s house with the fucking dog they let bark all goddamn night.

Lol well you just taught me something too! I just googled that.