That’s $1,000 worth of Geo Metros.
That’s $1,000 worth of Geo Metros.
Someone with photoshop skills needs to turn that dust cloud behind it to a wake of dollar bills. To show the real time depreciation.
There will be a lot of nuanced, level-headed discussion in this comment section.
Up next, an in-depth comparison between the driving ability of the average Angeleno and a box of hair.
I’d rather cycle to work
Someone put a sticker like this close to their tailpipe(s). That would be a period correct modification.
I’d imagine it has to be something similar that goes off.
Also just so we’re clear, you’re essentially saying that the police are more effective in IDing a car in this situation than a community of enthusiasts? Bullshit. You cite one mistake (that was self corrected) but the police never make mistakes identifying vehicles let alone suspects right? RIGHT?!?!
I wanna rot for a few weeks, so I’m good & bloated. Then I wanna get launched out of a cannon at my neighbor’s house with the fucking dog they let bark all goddamn night.
Lol well you just taught me something too! I just googled that.
This is the ideal intersection. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
There are lots of things like that on Amazon. They’re not things that have already been produced or ever bought, they’re made-to-order. The idea is that they’re just putting a bunch of potential designs out there to widen the range of people that see their product. Same with T-Shirts and stickers.
Now imagine each skateboard can carry 4 or 6 or 8 personal pods instead of one large one, and use an app to couple you with neighbors going to similar locations at similar times. While this particular car in the form it currently sits may be a little too ambitious to be practically useful it’s not hard to apply to the…
This doesn’t surprise me at all. It’s because Scientology silences victims of sexual abuse. I was watching Leah Remini’s Scientology show and she was interviewing an ex Scientologist who had been molested by her father. Scientology knew about the sexual abuse and they forced her to sign an affidavit that said she…
This Danny Masterson story has been around the interwebz for a while. I am very happy it’s finally getting the attention it deserves, interesting how he chose other Scientologists.... also FUCK YOU DANNY MASTERSON
Don’t insult Jabba, he probably had way more scientific knowledge than Clovis does, and better hygiene too.
Trump’s most recent judicial nominee is so unqualified to be a judge, he was voted unqualified by the American Bar Association...unanimously:
It would appear they only manifest themselves when needed to take out an errant BMW driver.