
Having lived most of my life in the ‘Mizzurah’ section, it is of note that the only people I’ve heard it pronounced this way are politicians. Claire McCaskill pronounces it differently than her neighbors do. Which I’d think is a pretty weird thing to do if you lived in any other state.

Long is pretty damn good at the doing nothing part. Waste of a seat.

But what would they walk about?

They. Have. Ninjas.

I realize that you’re referring to 45 as cadet bone spurs but I read your post originally as though he was mixing martinis with the bones of soldiers as ingredients. Because that doesn’t seem terribly unrealistic.

What I wanna know is how a guy who takes his pants off on stage gets herpes in the first place? You think he’d be safe, with all his careful behavior.


Factor in repairs, maintenance, charging and stuff and it’s almost certainly cheaper for a business to offer up “skateboards” than it is for you to own and charge them yourself. Economies of scale.

I assume that when they say sold to consumers it is for just buying the top pod bit.

Whatever happened with the Sondor’s ebike indiegogo lawsuit that he had going? Did all the bikes paid for actually get delivered and the people paid who worked on the campaign?

All these technologies like the face recognition and this sort of thing feel like an attempt at inroads on tech that watch what you’re looking at on the screen, how long, do you look like you’re enjoying that ad, etc. I tend not to be too paranoid about privacy, but I feel like some guarantees that my phone isn’t

Because the article following the headline is not, “Because it is going to be a human being.” I am dissapoint.

How is law school even a thing? How do you study something that can so dramatically change based on the whims of enforcement? I have a couple of friends who are lawyers and the number of things that are “technically illegal” are mind blowing. And if they are decided to be enforced on a whim, then it’s up to the whim

Core samples don’t show progression of time with evidence of what happened in those layers. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself to continue believing in young earth creationism and to continue ignoring climate change. This track was laid, as is, in 1986. Everything other than that is a conspiracy.

Ooh, that sucks. Side effect of propraNoLoL is that you can’t laugh out loud at dank memes anymore.

Your post is missing the word “hat” but I’m pretty sure it’s better this way.