
Wow—great move, Chaltea 88! I'll of course be extremely interested to learn what you hear back. I suppose it's possible that with the high volume of comments on the site, she and some of the other writers aren't even aware of what's going on. But once you've contacted her . . . she knows.

This is an excellent point, which brings to the forefront of my mind something that's been lurking in the back. Why are people like Lindy—who seems to be fantastically smart and thoughtful and justice-oriented—letting so many commenters get kicked around like this? Maybe there's nothing she or others can do about

Yeah, I see your point. I didn't think you were disagreeing with me, just venting entirely justified spleen—as am I. Hah, at this point the only fun I'm having on Jez is bitching with other people about how pissed off we are at Jez.

Yeah, that could be it.

Well, I could be wrong, but if the problem isn't a wholesale move away from being a feminist blog, then the only other explanation I can think of for all these people's posts being deleted and grayed-out is a massive technological glitch. But if the problem was a technological glitch, don't you think they'd post

I first got out of the gray when a Jez writer started following me. Then . . . regrayed again last week for no apparent reason.

I am coming to the conclusion that they no longer self-identify as a feminist blog, and are intentionally a) changing their format to celebrity gossip and b) significantly downgrading comments and commenters that don't fit with this change.

Is it possible that some people might have gone to the Hairpin? I'm new enough here that I wouldn't really know, but I can say that the Hairpin's commentariat is almost always supportive. I like the Hairpin, but something about the article content and commenting setup isn't quite as fun as things are here at Jezebel

You get out of it when someone non-gray responds to you. That means they have to bother looking at the gray first, and then notice what you've said, and then have something to say in response. And all of that can happen but if the person who responds to you is gray as well, you're still stuck in the gray.

As I look around the Jez-ish internet at related comments tonight, I see multiple people posting that they have been banned, deleted, or suddenly grayed for no particular reason. Either Jez has stumbled over a hideous technological glitch that is fucking over its commenters, or they are intentionally trying to drive

THANK YOU for posting this. I don't know what the heck is up. I was given non-gray status pretty quickly after I started posting on the site and then last week, for no apparent reason (and none I can think of), I was suddenly banished back to the gray. I don't understand it at all since I am a hardcore feminist and

I kind of feel bad for Angelina, after all she's been through, that the first thing I look for when I see a picture of her is how her new boobs look. I don't want to do it, but of course I'm curious and it's really hard not to. I imagine everybody else is doing the same thing. If I were Angelina, I'd be thinking

Not off topic, at least not in my opinion. If they "fixed the nutritionals" I would eat there. Especially if they offered some whole foods, I would eat there. I care about nutrition, the environment, organic produce, grass-fed beef, and I think lots of Millennials do too. If I could get some version of that stuff

Well they should STOP.

My point is that that hasn't been my experience. I've had blistering arguments with people who claim that I shouldn't care about sexism because the only way anybody really suffers anymore is due to racism.

Which shows that in some ways, sexism is still more acceptable in this culture than racism is. Not trying to start a contest between racism and sexism, since both are obviously terrible, but people do sometimes claim that there's no more sexism in the world and that racism is the only thing left for us to fix. Nope,

But we're like 8% of the power. (Random number I decided on, but it can't be too wildly off.)

Yeah, I've seen those masks used in court too, most recently when I had jury duty. I think about the Polartec face mask I use for running in the cold, and how badly the mouth region stinks of saliva and dank after I've used it for just one hour, and then I wonder what the inside of this courtroom thing smells like at

Why does this story remind me of the one yesterday (was it yesterday?) about the moose trying to screw the moose statue?

Exactly! Sometimes you get stunned with something horrendous and then it slips out. Whoops! Well, Mom, now you know that's in my toolkit. Congratulations.