
Here’s what I don’t get, I understand greed and all that, but the lives of employees are literally more valuable than whatever you can fit into that safe.

I'm sure I fall somewhere significant on the "hoarder spectrum" — I don't hold on to absurd things like trash, old newspapers, perishable items, dead animal carcases or any of the other scary thing you see on those TV shows. But I do hold on to a lot of other things (books, magazines, items from my adolescence, and

Some people will walk a mile out of their way to get their feelings hurt. But suffering is part of life, and if they choose to suffer due to attachment to items *they themselves don't even own* then that's their row to hoe. You don't have to carry that cross for them; it's theirs. Let them haul it around.

Some of this is very sound advice. My mother and grandmothers were straight up hoarders, and in my late teens/early twenties I started getting that way, badly, and quickly. The death of my father when I was a teen made it very hard for me or my mother to let go of a TON of things. It gets so hard when you are also

I'm de-cluttering by moving for the first time in almost 8 years next month. It's amazing how much... stuff I've accumulated in those years! I'm trying to go through all of it when I should just be giving most of it away.


If it is so important to them, then give it to them to keep! Your house is not your extended families storage shed.

This article has great ideas for making it easier for me to pass on items that I've been holding onto.

In the game Chrono Trigger, there is an Easter egg that allows you to fight the final boss (Lavos) battle in the first few minutes of the game. After Lavos lays the smackdown on your party, you have a good laugh for the stupidity of fighting him as a level one character, and keep playing anyway.

reminds me :

Wow, I can't tell you how much I relate to this... and I am a man. My mother is still a fucking twig. And actually I am quite thin, too. She's a mean judgmental person when it comes to weight. And around my house, growing up, all "bad" things were brought back to weight: Didn't get good grades? "Maybe you should spend

Home renovation. Imagine your a first time home buyer that just bought a "fix-er-upper" what kinds of things would you want to know about. Replacing light fixtures, electrical outlets, painting without making a huge mess, etc.

It helps that bear bites rarely go unnoticed for days.

An actual legal expert would admit that they have no idea.

This is incorrect. The experience of holding and reading a paper book is significantly different from holding and reading an ereader - the storage format impacts on how the information is perceived. This doesn't apply to CDs - you can play the same sounds through the same set of speakers, whether the data was stored

Missing: Wife and kids.

Couldn't agree more. While this might be "practical" for some, I think it applies to a very small number of people who are single. I might not use my kitchen gadgets every day or every week, but there are some things you just can't do without a stand mixer or a food processor. Do I need my bread machine? Probably

His biggest mistake was going up against a guy named Magnus. A name like "Bill" just doesn't stand up to a name like "Magnus."

Does nobody remember silverhawks?