
One big difference is the actual process of how lootboxes work as compared to cards. With cards, most people buy a number of packs and likely open them at home. If they don’t get what they want, they need to go back to the store to buy more. There is time and travel between the first round and the second round. During

Unless it was a settlement agreement. Don’t sue us and bring the bad publicity. In exchange, we’ll give you free food for life. Then it is a contract.

It is entirely possible that Ford did drop the case. Since it appears that the dealership filed their answer, Ford can’t unilaterally drop the case. The parties can, though, stipulate to its dismissal and that is exactly what they did.

Dad jokes in wills are real. The one that stands out to me is a dad leaving tens of millions of dollars to one of his kids in the typed-out will and then crossing out the bequest by hand.

The biggest problem I have with impulse shopping is that the vast majority of my shopping (for fun) is done at thrift stores, antique stores or other similar stores. Impulse shopping on Amazon or at retail stores is generally a non-issue because I usually wait and think about any purchase for a while. If I find I

Losing Curious George was the closest I have come to dropping Netflix and unless it comes back, Netflix will be on thin ice. Unfortunately, it seems that Hulu’s agreement is a multi-year deal and the show won’t be coming back anytime soon.

I have two young boys, and both of them used to do this thing while they sat in my lap to read books. They would occasionally bend over and then quickly flail back, swinging their head right into my face. Once or twice they hit so hard I saw stars. Do you think any adult has been knocked out by an infant or toddler?

There area lot of good comments here, but this was the only one worth logging in for.

I was in high school when the game was release. A group of friends used to sneak into the computer lab at the local university to play LAN party-style. We never got caught. I highly doubt we could get away with that these days.

We got burned on that as well. Our house can be heated by propane or wood burning. While we had a small pile of wood due left over when we bought the house, it wasn’t enough to rely on for our primary source of heat. We also missed out on getting into a locked-in price for propane. During our second winter, they came

Playing it a little loose with the “concept” part, but this is my vote.

Agreed. Most of the games I received were either birthday and Christmas presents. Since it was rude to run downstairs and start playing right away, the next best thing was to read the manuals until it was time to play.

It will go perfectly with the three or four other copies that I have already purchased (not counting VHS) because I keep forgetting which Monty Python movie I don’t already own...

It will go perfectly with the three or four other copies that I have already purchased (not counting VHS) because I

They have those.

Never went so far as to recopy my notes, but taking notes by hand, sitting toward the front of the class, and not using a computer really helped me focus and I noticed a pretty big leap in my comprehension and retention of class materials.

The speed of cursive is definitely the biggest advantage. Whether it should still be required in school is a good question. I remember it being a pain and I couldn’t wait until I could go back to printing, but I eventually went back.

I use handwriting, usually cursive, nearly every day, but it still looks like chicken scratch. It was required throughout elementary school and I quit using it when I got into middle school. After college, I found computers to be too distracting for taking notes so I went pack to pen and paper and soon realized that

I am a newcomer to the vinyl music fad. I just bought an old stereo system that included a turntable for $30 about a month or two ago. Broke the needle transporting it home and found a smaller turntable (without the stereo system) for $20. I bought the second turntable as well (because it was the same price as a new

As the father of a two year old and a newborn, I am, so far, enjoying the second year the most. Babies, at least the two that I have had, never stop crying. The two year old is capable of communicating his wants and needs. Yeah, he has tantrums, but we can also interact and have fun. Also, I am having serious trouble

I always thought people that complained about fireworks were crotchety old curmudgeons that never learned to have fun. I now have a toddler and a baby and I understand their hatred of those infernal explosives.