
I believe that Hotblack Desiato may be looking for a new ride, as his old one was stolen at the Restaurant at the End of the universe.

He’s suing for $9k, not because he was locked in a bathroom, but because they reneged on a deal they made. This seems reasonable, and also doesn’t seem to be factoring cost increases. Next time, promise the guy food for a month to start, and don’t promise what you can’t deliver.

He built a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude. He has our gratitude!

I love that “Cover of the Rolling Stone” song he did, too.


What was its name before it “mysteriously” lost its eye? I mean, presumably Eyepatch, but who knows.

Good advice. Especially considering the SOSD (not even a handy acronym) method is basically “clean stuff that’s dirty”.

GRRM 2017: New pages

My toddler loves “Sarah and Duck” on Netflix, and actually it’s a kid show I enjoy watching (with her) too. It’s mellow and quirky and British. Just a recommendation!

Every time this is posted a sudden rush of fear and anxiety loom over me. I just pray to God that they don’t remove Sophia the First. Not because I enjoy watching it but I have a two year old who had a serious breakdown when they removed the Curious George cartoon and had to settle with the movies. I’m just looking

I’m all for deer taking down cross country runners as long as they eat all the meat.

So branding your political enemies is cool and bae now?

Diablo 2 might just be the longest maintained non-MMO/FPS in the seriously. Diablo 2 was released when i was still in college. I am now 34 this year.

The utility bill one was kind of a shocker for us. Of course it costs more to heat the house in the winter and cool it in the summer. Of course it does. But we bought in October 2007 and enjoyed a relatively mild autumn until we got the killer $450 utility bill in January. WHOOPS. Since then, we’ve been on the

My first introduction to MGS was from a demo disc I got from Pizza Hut a bit before the full game launched. It was one of the few games I ever bought at launch. I had the big reveal of Raiden spoiled for me by my more affluent friends who could afford the PS2 and the game, and I do remember shitting on Raiden along

Or you could be like Queen and make more than 15 albums where everyone is golden

And now, Nintendo doesn’t put manuals in with their physical games. It just a disc, and peice of paper telling you how to access the e-manual...

Or maybe it’s just a look into the interesting questions we attorneys get without the awkward, sure, I can help you, but it will cost you $x,xxx.xx (add x’s as you see fit) followed by a 20 minute conversation revolving around the ideas of “Justice,” “fairness,” “what is right,” the Constitution and

Oh man, as a freshman in college a professor gave me great advice: take LOTS of notes by hand in class in pencil. Then re-copy your notes every night in pen. It was a lot of work, but I never needed to study. Something about writing it - and then committing it in neater form in pen, just burned it into my brain. It