
Had three picked out, was looking for more when I hit the redirect... The terms of the sale said it was valid until June 21.

Had three picked out, was looking for more when I hit the redirect... The terms of the sale said it was valid until

I worked at a theater while Passion of the Christ was out. It brought it some pretty interesting people. One customer straight up told me that I was going to hell while buying tickets. I also had a blind customer get tickets for the movie. Normally I wouldn’t think that was weird, but the entire movie is in Aramaic

That isn't what this article is about. This would be if you received something you don't need from your grandma, but can't get rid of it because of the value you attached to it, but about receiving a useful kitchen tool that saves you the expense of having to buy it yourself later.

I definitely identify with those feelings. There are certain things around my house that I don't really feel that I need, but it is difficult to actually get rid of them. My wife is a lot like me, so we both have "stuff" that we don't need, but can't get rid of. Fortunately, like you, we have cut back on bringing in

Got to love those martyrs.

Agreed. I'm moving after less than three years, but since then, we have had a toddler and another baby on the way, so that adds considerably to the "stuff" that accumulates.

This is one of my biggest problems with decluttering. My wife and I are members of a local Facebook group where people can buy and sell things (kind of like a smaller craigslist). My wife's mother found out about the group and joined it, despite not living within the geographical area covered by the group. Most of

I know your pain. In high school, we had two days dedicated to ice skating in the school's rink. The school provided skates, but to a size 12. I wear size 15. The teacher made me participate the first day and, somehow, I was able to squeeze my feet into the skates, but was only able to stand for about 5 minutes at a

I will pass along advice that was given to my wife. You may have better luck looking for shoes on sites that cater to cross-dressers and transgendered people.

On the plus side, I have noticed that in the last few years, it is a hell of a lot easier to find shoes that fit. Even seven or eight years ago, I had to settle for what they had in stock. Now, I have far more options and pick the shoes that I like.

On the plus side, I have noticed that in the last few years, it is a hell of a lot easier to find shoes that fit. Even seven or eight years ago, I had to settle for what they had in stock. Now, I have far more options and pick the shoes that I like.

My wife wears somewhere around 11-12 in women's shoes. I wear size 15 in men's. Our soon-to-be-two year old is wearing shoes made for 3-4 year olds. I do not want to think about what he will be wearing as a teenager.

People ordering fatty meals with a "diet" soda always bugged me, too. Like at the movie theater I later worked at, it was common to have people order a large popcorn with extra/double butter, and a Diet Coke. A regular popcorn got two or three pumps of "butter" (actually, partially hydrogenated soy bean oil). A quick

I worked at a Dairy Queen for a couple of years in high school. Although, as a general rule, the customers were far worse at the movie theater I subsequently worked at, there was one guy in particular that came across as rather dense.

I have "tossed" a controller out of frustration, but not hard enough to damage anything. More like an exasperated "I give up" toss than an angry throw.

Actually, when you put it that way...

I have always wondered how much London cab drivers earn. Seems like it would have to pay pretty well to make it worth while.

The one time I took a London cab, it was a good experience. I actually did ask for a destination that was practically around the corner. Granted, I didn't realize it at the time, and I was a little annoyed to find that we had flagged down a cab for a two block ride.

My wife has a grandmother like that. She is always so judgmental about everything and everybody. Any problems you have are a result of some type of personal failing. The only "real" diseases are depression and fibromyalgia, and only because she has those. Despite being incredibly wealthy, common Christmas presents to

Worked at a movie theater and that was a common issue too. Ordered large popcorn, double butter, candy and, because they are watching their weight, a large Diet Coke.