
Used to get calls for a local business at our number on occasion, but those were always tame. It was the other wrong numbers that get interesting. I once argued with a drunk person for about five minutes trying to convince them that there was nobody named Leroy at the number she called. The best, though, was when

Weightlifting is probably your best bet. There are any number of programs you can find online for beginners. Two of the most popular, that I know of, are Starting Strength and Stronglift 5x5. Check them out and see which one works for you. If you are looking for a class or group-type atmosphere, you may not have much

Just bought 2 cords of 8', unsplit logs for this winter. Should be a good time getting them down to size.

Makes you wonder about the kid. Do you think he went through the rest of his life carrying some pretty crazy guilt for killing Houdini, or was he going around bragging about how he was so strong that he he literally killed a man who was known for his ability to take a punch.

I second this. I may need to replace some drywall in my garage and install some in my basement. Also, we have a false ceiling in our living room with a popcorn-textured ceiling under it. The goal is to eventually remove the false ceiling and texture, but no clue on how to do any of these.

The usual legal answer is "it depends."

As somebody who has little to no experience with cars, I just recently discovered the Opel GT and it has moved to the top of my list of "reasonably attainable" cars. Always been a fan of the Stingray and I think it looks just enough like it to satisfy me until I can afford the real deal (someday, right?).

As an avid Pippi fan, I do my best to not remember anything from that movie.

My mother's (great?)uncle fell out of an open cockpit airplane during the 1920 while showing off his plane. I would feel proud to carry on the family tradition.

I have heard Canadians pronounce it "fill-t" as well.

Don't knock it until you've tried it. Shaving is by far my least favorite part of getting ready, but I would go for in for a shave everyday if I had the time and money. It involves a reclining barber's chair (I hope to have a barber's chair in my man cave some day because they are so nice), hot towels, facial

I pay $15 for my shave, and I thought that was on the cheap end. I know of other places in the area that charge closer to $30. I love getting a shave the way my wife loves getting pedicures. As strange as it is to say it, a shave is one of the most relaxing experiences I have had.

That is assuming that the water heater continues to heat the water. If it doesn't the water can become stagnant and it is a common breeding ground for the bacteria that causes legionnaire's disease.…

I think you bring up a point that a lot of people overlook in the spanking debate. I rarely see anybody define what they mean by "spanking." My parents spanked me on occasion, but it was pretty rare. They also used open hand three to five times and stopped when I was still pretty young. My wife's parents used wooden

I think it is kind of assumed that you are going to dress appropriately for the temperature and that applies to using proper bedding.

My house is horribly cluttered. I am especially bad at collecting DVDs, CDs and books. For years, my wife and I would hit up thrift stores and pawnshops on a weekly basis and it was rare to walk out without at least one purchase. It is easy to justify a purchase when it costs the same/less than a rental.

If I were single, I could easily get by in a place like she described (although I would really miss the garage). As it is, I am married with kids and that makes it a lot harder for me to get rid of things. Hell, we bought kids books at thrift stores years before we had our first kid and we've been dragging them around

Agreed. And even with books, she advocates getting rid of most of them. I have boxes of books around my home, but if I were to follow her advice, I would only have enough to fill a couple of shelves on a bookshelf.

I have little to no handyman skills, but I am always trying to get better at it. It has gotten to the point where the people at the local hardware store just assume that I will need help finding the right tool or part when I stop in, rather than letting me wander around the store.

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