That was our first thought, but there is literally no room up there for a laundry room.
That was our first thought, but there is literally no room up there for a laundry room.
I clean my gutters on the addition, but there is no way I am climbing a ladder up to the second story to clean those gutters. Especially after having to rescue a maintenance guy this morning when his ladder tipped over, leaving him hanging from a beam on the gym ceiling.
I haven't looked into it beyond the conceptual stage, but the closet/new laundry room is directly over the old one (and right off of the bathroom) and the plumbing costs would likely be minimal. If I did move the laundry room upstairs, I would likely convert the old room into additional storage.
This seems like a good place to ask a question that I have been thinking about for a while. I live in a two story house with a laundry room in the basement. The basement is semi-finished, but the laundry room is terrible (bare concrete, one wall is bare cinder block, the other two are bare studs, exposed pipes, bare…
Hello Dr. Perry,
I keep thinking that I would like to make an MAME arcade. This may just be what puts me over the edge.
Loved the TigerSharks! I had a VHS tape of Saturday morning cartoons that had a few episodes on it (along with the rest of Comic Strip and various others). I watched that thing into oblivion without even thinking to back it up. Twas a sad day (20 years later) when it stopped working.
Bravestarr is still one of my favorite cartoons. As much as I love He-Man and Thundercats, I really think that Bravestarr holds up better today.
I was wondering why nobody had posted this. Just getting ready to do it myself when I decided to take a second look.
Saw this at a record store a while back. Decided to save my money. Instantly regretted it. Went back later to correct my mistake, but sadly, it was gone. Somebody else was smarter than me.
I live in a small town so I go home for lunch. Wife is a stay at home mom so she prepares lunch about three days a week. Once a week I have a "free" lunch with a volunteer organization of which I am a member (there is actually a yearly membership cost, but my company pays it so I can have a more public presence). On…
While I may not be a fitness expert, I feel like I should weigh in on this. Definitely imagine the T-Rex sized ducks. Seriously. Ducks are terrible, terrible perverts. Look it up and imagine even one of those towering over you.
I appreciate the feedback. I have a couple of follow ups, if you are still around. Just to clarify, I should stick with one or the other and not try to do the bodyweight HIIT on the "off days"? Also, I slipped two discs in my lower back while lifting weights about 10 years ago. I know that my back will be a weak point…
I am working on losing weight and getting in to shape for the first time in a long time. I have been eating right for several months and I recently started doing something along the lines of HIIT body weight exercises. I would like to start lifting weights as well. There is a lot of conflicting information available…
She didn't really store stuff in there, it was just a temporary situation.
Yeah, that was the worst, trying to dig all that melted plastic off of the heating element and bottom of the oven. Although my mom would have said that having to pay for more Tupperware was the worst.
I'm pretty sure that I have never been this spoiled (and, in fact, I like to think that most of these are just trolls and aren't really this terrible), but I can remember one Christmas where I was upset that I didn't get the N64. I never came right out and said it to my parents, because even then I knew that was…
That's what I asked her. My parents are very clean and tidy people but apparently she was in a hurry to get them put away before guests arrived. They were the big rectangular containers that don't get used very often and putting them away usually involved getting a step ladder to put them in the back corner on the top…