
We had that problem once too, except it involved a box of scalloped potatoes and a egg nog flavored alcohol. We found out that alcohol, even if it tastes like a dairy product, is not a valid substitute for milk.

I have been a bad cook for most of my life. I am getting slightly better, but not great. I have ruined several pots while trying to make ramen noodles or macaroni and cheese (once while trying to boil a mouthguard) because I forget that I have water boiling. I also spent two hours trying to figure out why my pot

This is the thinking that allows me to justify my movie collection. That, and the "Thrill of Discovery" that Thorin mentioned.

We've got a 9 month old high needs baby at home. He will sleep with us, but he WILL NOT sleep alone. This includes naps and overnight. If he is left alone, every 10-15 minutes he will reach out to see if he can feel us. If nobody is there, he wakes up screaming/crying. We don't want to try "cry it out," but even if we

Best part of a great movie. Thanks for taking the time to write that all down.

I accidentally bought a bootlegged copy of Trigun and Hellsing online. Looking back on it now, it should have been obvious that the site wasn't legit, but at the the time, I was young and naive. That being said, the packaging was sub-par, but the discs were fine and the picture quality was great. I kind of wish I had

It is much better. I mentioned in another post that I had kale chips for the first time in the last couple of weeks and now cooked kale goes into just about every meal we can work it into. Out of curiosity, I had some raw kale and instantly regretted it. Give kale chips a shot.

Absolutely! I just had my first taste of kale chips in the last couple of weeks and they are absolutely delicious, and I am not a health food nut. Then I reached into the bag and grabbed some raw kale. I will not make that mistake again.

I am currently in the same boat as you. I always want to learn some kind of new skill like this, but I can't justify dropping so much money on tools only to have spend even more on supplies on a hobby that I am not even sure I will stick with.

I see things like this and have a really strong urge to make one for myself, but when I look into it, the parts and the tools needed to do it usually work out to be more than I think the product is worth. I was really stoked about building my own arcade when I finally had a garage, but I found out they could easily

I never really "moved back in" with my parents, but I did live with them over the summer during my first two years in college and then one summer in grad school when I took an internship in my hometown. I also lived with them for about two weeks when my lease was up on one apartment buy my next apartment in a

I went full beard for a while during college and I loved every minute of it. I finally had to shave when I started looking for internships. In the future, I will probably go back to a well-maintained beard, but I would really love to just let it grow wild again.

I just recently got into "better" shaving. I still use cartridges instead of the double-edge, but that is just until I find the right razor. Shaving used to be my least favorite part of my morning routine, but with a brush and a quality lather, I find that it has gone from being a chore into a relaxing routine.

As a new homeowner, I have had to take on a handful of minor repairs/fixes around the house that the previous owner left for me. I found the key was a bit of research to prepare for the work, watch some youtube videos, and then if you are still unclear or need some information on the specific tools or materials for

I just finished fixing the pipes under my sink as well. The previous owner was a bit of a handyman, but I am kind of questioning how good he was. One pipe was pretty much flush with the one it was supposed to pour into, resulting in some spilling every time it drained. Also had to replace a washer in the faucet that

"So is CoD a "sucky" game? No, I'll concede the point. But I wouldn't call the franchise groundbreaking - not at this point. Not for the cost it takes to make, not for its retail price, and not for what it offers to the player."

  • Can you read my mind? Do you know what it is that you do to me? I don't know who you are. Just a friend from another star. Here I am, like a kid out of school. Holding hands with a god. I'm a fool. Will you look at me? Quivering. Like a little girl, shivering. You can see right through me. Can you read my mind? Can