
Ready Freddie.

It's got two strikes just in the title! And look at that cover! It's clearly a girly-ass chick flick from the Haagen-Daaz tampon kitten capitol of the universe. I avoided it for years.

Never thought this would work in a million years, much less that I would love it.

His biggest mistake was going up against a guy named Magnus. A name like "Bill" just doesn't stand up to a name like "Magnus."

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Assault on Precinct 13 (1976): When an LA street gang gets their hands on assault weapons and lose some of their members in a police raid, the gang swears revenge on the police and citizenry, starting with an ice cream man they rob and shoot. Moments before, a little girl the man had served returns to the van because

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Monty Python's Meaning of Life - Mister Creosote

Totally agreed. The best stories for mainstream titles have always been Elseworlds. After that, my favorites have been finite books. Beginning, middle and end. Watchmen, Sandman, Planetary, Batman Year One, Dark Knight Returns, all good stuff.

Actually I think that's why my favorite comic stories are either limited runs or What If?/Elseworlds stories.

I didn't much care for Donna in that first Christmas episode. I thought she was (sympathetically) irritating and when I heard she was coming back I was all groan-y. But watching how they developed her character, she became one of my favorites in the Doctor Who universe.

So... that's why after 2 years I now consider 0C and no wind in the winter to be a "balmy day" in Canada.

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My favorite katana fail is still that time a dude accidentally stabbed himself in an infomercial:

Does nobody remember silverhawks?

and 1 chain = 66'

Sooooooo what you're saying is......

It's like you're my cooking twin.

My mother often zoned out somewhere in the house and forgot she had water boiling for coffee (she used those aluminum percolators). On two occasions she forgot the coffee pot so long that it actually melted and ruined a burner on the electric stove.

"That is brilliant, that is the most brilliant movie I've ever heard in my life!"

Nobody has referenced "There's Something About Mary"?

Dolph has always gotten a free pass from me. Whatever he wants to make, I'll watch it.