
I was under the impression that it is common in Scandinavia to place a straw Yule Goat under the Christmas tree to guard the presents. Or maybe this is a tradition to sell overpriced straw effigies to tourists. A whole other Yule Santa category would be the adorable Tomte (also highly marketable nick knacks).

I see only one flaw with this article. If we are assuming (for the sake of argument) that you are going to consume 4k calories this Thanksgiving, then you do NOT have to 4k calories worth of burning. As you already mentioned, you body will burn anywhere from 1,600 - 2,000 calories just to keep itself alive and

Red Dwarf, the American version.

The 2011 Green Lantern wasn't very good, but a comedic version of Green Lantern (with Robert Smigel writing the script!) would have changed the character forever.

I am curious why people think this is about money. I fly first class when seats are available, but the club member high mile guys usually grab them before I get the chance. I try to get exit rows when first class is booked, but good seats on planes are scarce so I regularly can't get one. When I can't get extra

You guess wrong. I am more than happy to work with somebody if I am blocking their view. There is no reason not to be considerate of one another. I look behind me when I take a seat, I move my car seat up as much as I can when I have rear passengers. And the constitution doesn't say shit about reclining on

OR...don't be a dick and be aware of people around you.

Number 6:

She's a turncoat from what SHIELD regards as a terrorist organization. Her behavior has already been what we shall be generous and deem "untrustworthy." And ten minutes after she gets into the Hub, she's hacking her way into classified files. Any sane superspy organization would take her out back and shoot her until

I'm done with this show. The second Skye opened her mouth complaining about kept out of the mission because of higher security level, I was done. Why the writers insist on making her so willfully obtuse and annoying is beyond me. What person would hear, "It's a higher security level" see others defer to it, yet keep

Tahiti was a magical place again, and that bothered Coulson. I like how they are developing Coulson's mystery, but my patience for Skye is really running out. In any sane show she would have been behind bars since episode one. She has no right to complain about her situation.

Kale chips have a very different flavor than raw kale. You might not want to make yourself miserable eating them if you don't like them, but it's worth trying them even if you don't like kale in its raw form.

Just Mrs. Gorf, and she got turned into an apple herself at the end of the first chapter. Louis ate her.

I dunno about the school falling over. I do remember that Eric Fry (fat but not short), the only athletic one, was nicknamed Butterfingers; Eric Bacon (short but not fat), the only skinny one, was nicknamed Fatso; and Eric Ovens (short and fat), the only nice one, was nicknamed Crabapple. This was not due to

This was after the principal had already been having tons of trouble keeping students from colliding on the stairs. He didn't understand what was so hard about "stay on the right side when going up, stay on the left side when going down." :)

Bill and Ted University, circa the 25th century...where everyone learns to be excellent to each other

A lot of people find cartridge shaving irritating no matter what they do as pre or post-shave treatment. Switching to a double edge razor and better quality shaving cream/soap not only significantly improves or eliminates a lot of shaving discomfort but can also save a lot of money. The savings are in theory at least,