
It was the first Stephen King book I ever read which I got it from the library when I was 11. I got halfway through and had to read the ending before I could finish the book, just so I could know it would end happily. Serious nightmares from that.

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen wasn't actually a horror movie, but wow, the Grim Reaper in that movie scared the bejeezus out of me when I was a kid...

Oh come on. That scene with the hour glass was terrifying.

IT. Within the first 10 minutes. I had to read the book two years later before I could watch it. My mother thinking a 10 year old could handle that movie was a failure of parenting. I still cannot walk over a storm drain to this day.

I think most people agree, regardless of their beliefs, that jokes are typically funny the first time (or even three) you hear them. Not when it's the third time in the same day after a loooooong history of hearing it. Atheist, Agnostic, Religious, whatever, this whole "joke" that Christians should so-called be

this is an awesomely timed article. we just had to move, and our first time washing the dishes (last night) we noticed the pipes under the kitchen sink are leaking.

You know what, I had this long post written out about how atheists love to behave exactly like the fundies they hate so much. You and the OP have obviously missed the point. Calling me a troll is funny, because that's exactly what the OP is. But disregard all this OP, keep trolling those christians. It is both

You know, I have not even read this article. I just read the title and scrolled down to the comments to see how long it would take some asshat to post a picture of the virgin. Look man, from one atheist to another, your lack of faith does not make you superior to everyone else with spiritual beliefs. Stop acting

On a related note, there's two Burke and Hare-themed movies available. The first one I enjoyed more:

Guys, it's a moose. They're hunted every day. They're not the least
bit endangered. Just because this one happened to be white doesn't make
it special. It makes it a genetic aberration that was less suited to
its environment than its kin. Its condition made it easy to see in the
woods, and so it was spotted and

Pretty much this exactly. There's no reason to piss on these guys for killing a creature they thought had a pretty hide if there's no laws against it and clearly not enough information out there for them to know about Mi'kmaq traditions. That's what laws are there for.

What does this have to do with science and entertainment from the world of tomorrow?

I feel like this article should be on gawker, not io9.

And yet, no love for the poor Mooses who weren't born with a pigment mutation. Moose racism.

The Gmork from The Neverending Story.

Also, Large Marge from Pee Wee's Big Adventure

Weren't the Punk Frogs a blatant rip off of The Comic Strip's Street Frogs?

Very nice list, but the actual Chosen One still disapproves.

I think this is appropriate to post again. From former lackey to obliterating nearly all of the planets population and reshaping it in his image.