
I just skip the ketchup altogether and put sugar on my burger and fries. Saves me having to eat all those tomatoes.

I really wish more comics would do this. I am a big fan of Superman, but I don’t pick up any of his comics because I may not like the current characterization or events and I like shorter stories with a beginning and an end (and the implication that there are other stories before and after).

It looks like it is behind the box because the box looks 3d. Actually, the angled portion is part of the box itself.

It will go perfectly with the three or four other copies that I have already purchased (not counting VHS) because I keep forgetting which Monty Python movie I don’t already own...

It will go perfectly with the three or four other copies that I have already purchased (not counting VHS) because I

Sounds like the perfect time to update the song: “Escape (The Pina Colada Song).”

They have those.

Never went so far as to recopy my notes, but taking notes by hand, sitting toward the front of the class, and not using a computer really helped me focus and I noticed a pretty big leap in my comprehension and retention of class materials.

The speed of cursive is definitely the biggest advantage. Whether it should still be required in school is a good question. I remember it being a pain and I couldn’t wait until I could go back to printing, but I eventually went back.

I use handwriting, usually cursive, nearly every day, but it still looks like chicken scratch. It was required throughout elementary school and I quit using it when I got into middle school. After college, I found computers to be too distracting for taking notes so I went pack to pen and paper and soon realized that

I am a newcomer to the vinyl music fad. I just bought an old stereo system that included a turntable for $30 about a month or two ago. Broke the needle transporting it home and found a smaller turntable (without the stereo system) for $20. I bought the second turntable as well (because it was the same price as a new

In this case, though, the separate color makes them look like insect eyes.

As the father of a two year old and a newborn, I am, so far, enjoying the second year the most. Babies, at least the two that I have had, never stop crying. The two year old is capable of communicating his wants and needs. Yeah, he has tantrums, but we can also interact and have fun. Also, I am having serious trouble

I always thought people that complained about fireworks were crotchety old curmudgeons that never learned to have fun. I now have a toddler and a baby and I understand their hatred of those infernal explosives.

A relative had a heart attack and was eaten by pigs. Don’t know how much of him they got, but I never feel guilt eating pork because I know they would do the same to us.

Had three picked out, was looking for more when I hit the redirect... The terms of the sale said it was valid until June 21.

Had three picked out, was looking for more when I hit the redirect... The terms of the sale said it was valid until

I worked at a theater while Passion of the Christ was out. It brought it some pretty interesting people. One customer straight up told me that I was going to hell while buying tickets. I also had a blind customer get tickets for the movie. Normally I wouldn’t think that was weird, but the entire movie is in Aramaic

Monster Squad got me pretty bad when I was young. I had nightmares for quite a while. In my defense, I only caught the first part of the movie where all of the monsters start gathering, so I didn’t get any closure.

You are lucky. Where I come from, “barbecue” usually means a “sloppy joe.” In case “sloppy joe” is a regional thing, from Wikipedia: “A sloppy joe is a sandwich consisting of ground beef, onions, tomato sauce or ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings, served on a hamburger bun.”

Often when you see the 100 calorie packs that they mention in the article are sold in quantities. For example, you buy a box that contains ten packs of the 100 calorie snacks. This is seems to be what the study was looking into. You seem to be talking about the manufacturer’s tendency to reduce the amount sold in a