
I have never heard “end-all, be-all” before. Must be a regional thing?

Mentioned this recently, but I am currently working my way through this book:

I would watch this. What I really want, though, is a Boston Legal type show starring She-Hulk.

I don’t have time to read this article right now, but this seems like a great time to put in a shout-out to another of my favorite sites. The site analyzes legal issues as they apply to comic books, and more specifically, superheroes. The authors of this site also published a book a

Just gathered up the majority of my VHS tapes to get rid of. Better pull Sidekicks out of the pile.

I thought this same thing ten years ago (after Semi Pro was released), but that doesn't appear to be the case yet.

I wasn't paying attention to the parts before the quotes, but even without knowing which movie or character was talking, I heard Wesley Snipes' voice saying it. Of course, I was picturing Simon Pheonix, but at least it wasn't Willie Mays Hayes.

I have a relative that needs to hear this advice. Between shopping at dollar stores and buying the cheapest shoes they can find, they spend way more than they need to.

A little dated, but I have watched the 1998 Godzilla movie twice, and I fell asleep both times.

That isn't what this article is about. This would be if you received something you don't need from your grandma, but can't get rid of it because of the value you attached to it, but about receiving a useful kitchen tool that saves you the expense of having to buy it yourself later.

I definitely identify with those feelings. There are certain things around my house that I don't really feel that I need, but it is difficult to actually get rid of them. My wife is a lot like me, so we both have "stuff" that we don't need, but can't get rid of. Fortunately, like you, we have cut back on bringing in

Got to love those martyrs.

Agreed. I'm moving after less than three years, but since then, we have had a toddler and another baby on the way, so that adds considerably to the "stuff" that accumulates.

This is one of my biggest problems with decluttering. My wife and I are members of a local Facebook group where people can buy and sell things (kind of like a smaller craigslist). My wife's mother found out about the group and joined it, despite not living within the geographical area covered by the group. Most of

I have been told by a former IT technician that 80% of the time, hitting the computers solved the problem. Usually this meant the error was resolved, the rest of the time it meant that the computer broke and had to be replaced with a new computer that didn't have any problems.

As tenuous as our connection may be, you can add me to the list of people you know (of) that has been bitten by a squirrel. In the squirrel's defense, I was, apparently, a pretty stupid kid. I saw a squirrel running around in circles in the street and the first thing that went through my mind was, "I could probably

Nobody (in America) worried about measles 10 years ago either

And their bite is every bit as painful.

Back when we had rats, one of my wife's favorite things to do was bring one to the pet store and walk around with the rat visible, but the tail hidden. It was pretty amazing how many people would come up and talk about how cute it was, until they saw the tail and realized it was a rat.

I know your pain. In high school, we had two days dedicated to ice skating in the school's rink. The school provided skates, but to a size 12. I wear size 15. The teacher made me participate the first day and, somehow, I was able to squeeze my feet into the skates, but was only able to stand for about 5 minutes at a