
That happened to my dad when he was in high school. He had to sit on the sidelines for several basketball games but still got hit in the face by an out of bounds ball that basically undid the cauterization.

Your post is one of the few that actually explains how the flaws kept you from enjoying the movie. Most people seem to be content merely posting popular and/or good movies and then just nitpicking.

That would help, but people will also need to learn how to prepare the food. You can run down to petco and buy crickets, but unless you know how to make them taste good, it won't help.

We had the perfect opportunity last year during the cicada swarm. Really wish I could have gotten in on that. I hear they are tasty.

I finally got around to reading Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde a couple years ago, but I didn't see what all the fuss was about. A couple months later, it hit me that when you read the book, you aren't supposed to know that they are the same person. That would be like watching Sixth Sense knowing the ending.

I have always wondered why bison weren't more profitable. I don't know much about raising them, but it seems like they are about the same size as beef cows, sell for more per pound, are tastier, and you can sell the skulls/heads and the hides. I would gladly make the switch to bison.

I think it is kind of assumed that you are going to dress appropriately for the temperature and that applies to using proper bedding.

Either soda or pop is fine with me. Those people that call all sodas/pops "Coke," have got to stop. If I order a Coke, don't ask me which kind.

Food labeling is a good thing, but this seems to be at least getting close to the line dividing helpful and silly.

The problem I have with partisanship in general, is that it puts me in these situations where I strongly disagree with this and think it is horrible, but seeing PETA's name being tossed around means that I automatically find myself thinking that it isn't so bad, just so I can disagree with PETA.

The reaction videos are primarily taken by people who know what is coming.

I am caught up on the books but my wife and I are watching the show together as they are released on DVD. She remains blissfully ignorant of what is to come.

My house is horribly cluttered. I am especially bad at collecting DVDs, CDs and books. For years, my wife and I would hit up thrift stores and pawnshops on a weekly basis and it was rare to walk out without at least one purchase. It is easy to justify a purchase when it costs the same/less than a rental.

If I were single, I could easily get by in a place like she described (although I would really miss the garage). As it is, I am married with kids and that makes it a lot harder for me to get rid of things. Hell, we bought kids books at thrift stores years before we had our first kid and we've been dragging them around

Agreed. And even with books, she advocates getting rid of most of them. I have boxes of books around my home, but if I were to follow her advice, I would only have enough to fill a couple of shelves on a bookshelf.

Not that I believe in astronomy, I just like this strip.

That pig thing actually happened to a relative of mine. Had a heart attack and fell into the pig pen where he was eaten.

Too late. I watched it last week.

Tried getting a "manly" friend of mine to get this for his daughters. He still refuses to this day. The title really doesn't do it any favors with the tough guy crowd. Especially after Princess Diaries came out.