
Always thought this looked like the worst idea, but I'm really starting to get into it. Only watched the first episode and some of the crossovers with Justice League, but once I finish with JLU, this will be my next show to catch on Netflix.

Ah yes, the infamous LEGO tie-in to The Gods Must Be Crazy II.

I have little to no handyman skills, but I am always trying to get better at it. It has gotten to the point where the people at the local hardware store just assume that I will need help finding the right tool or part when I stop in, rather than letting me wander around the store.

replied to wrong post

That was our first thought, but there is literally no room up there for a laundry room.

I clean my gutters on the addition, but there is no way I am climbing a ladder up to the second story to clean those gutters. Especially after having to rescue a maintenance guy this morning when his ladder tipped over, leaving him hanging from a beam on the gym ceiling.

I haven't looked into it beyond the conceptual stage, but the closet/new laundry room is directly over the old one (and right off of the bathroom) and the plumbing costs would likely be minimal. If I did move the laundry room upstairs, I would likely convert the old room into additional storage.

This seems like a good place to ask a question that I have been thinking about for a while. I live in a two story house with a laundry room in the basement. The basement is semi-finished, but the laundry room is terrible (bare concrete, one wall is bare cinder block, the other two are bare studs, exposed pipes, bare

I don't know the specifics because it was before my time, but in the town in which I live, there is a really ugly, square house attached to a shop. I was told that the owners of the property wanted to build a house but due to the local ordinances, they weren't able to build one on that location. They worked around it

Hello Dr. Perry,

Magnus Samuelsson and

I went into this expecting the worst, mostly because the original was so awesome. Definitely did not love the movie, in fact, I disliked a lot of it, but I came away pretty impressed by Jason Mamoa.

Now playing

I came here to post the same movie, but a different scene.

I'm not a big comic book reader, but the ones that I do are almost exclusively elseworld stories or a single arc. Although I am not their target audience (as I mentioned, I don't read many comics), I think some comics, or at least some characters, would really benefit from dropping the continuous story format.

I still find her grating, but she is one of the better "new" companions. Probably because she wasn't trying to become emotionally involved with the Doctor. My wife still despises her.

It is absolutely shocking how much of a difference wind can make. I would rather deal with -20F temperatures than -10F wind chill.

Makes me wonder why they even have an academic-looking teacher. All they really need is somebody to feed books into the machine and make sure kids don't take off the headphones.

I am neither a thief nor a vandal, but I have always wanted to steal one of those signs. I suppose I could probably buy one online.

I keep thinking that I would like to make an MAME arcade. This may just be what puts me over the edge.

Loved the TigerSharks! I had a VHS tape of Saturday morning cartoons that had a few episodes on it (along with the rest of Comic Strip and various others). I watched that thing into oblivion without even thinking to back it up. Twas a sad day (20 years later) when it stopped working.