
Bravestarr is still one of my favorite cartoons. As much as I love He-Man and Thundercats, I really think that Bravestarr holds up better today.

Got this guy sitting on my shelf right now. Unfortunately, I think the little bird is either lost or in a box at my parents' house.

I was wondering why nobody had posted this. Just getting ready to do it myself when I decided to take a second look.

Sure, if you want to measure it the "easy" way.

This probably won't help, but 40 acres is an area that is 80 rods squared or 20 chains squared. To help visualize it, 1 chain = 4 rods = 100 links.

You know you are from a rural area when "40 acres" is easier to visualize than "8 city blocks."

Saw this at a record store a while back. Decided to save my money. Instantly regretted it. Went back later to correct my mistake, but sadly, it was gone. Somebody else was smarter than me.

I think the main thing is that it is supposed to unify the two theories. General relativity works well for large objects but it breaks down when you start getting to really small, i.e., sub-atomic particles. Quantum theory works for really small objects, but not large objects.

I love this.

Also, if I have enough time to justify it, I am considering a new console. I mostly abstained from the last generation, although I did eventually get a Wii, mostly for Netflix and to play my SNES games that are starting to die.

I plan on buying a raspberry pi and playing around with the various projects. I would also like to make an HTPC. Finally, I hope to upgrade my phone. I have had the same flip phone for about six years now.

I live in a small town so I go home for lunch. Wife is a stay at home mom so she prepares lunch about three days a week. Once a week I have a "free" lunch with a volunteer organization of which I am a member (there is actually a yearly membership cost, but my company pays it so I can have a more public presence). On

Although, now that I think about it, Nickajack is probably from another language.

As interesting as I find the politics that go into things like this, I just can't get over the names of some of these proposed states. Nickajack, Little Egypt, Forgottonia...

While I may not be a fitness expert, I feel like I should weigh in on this. Definitely imagine the T-Rex sized ducks. Seriously. Ducks are terrible, terrible perverts. Look it up and imagine even one of those towering over you.

I appreciate the feedback. I have a couple of follow ups, if you are still around. Just to clarify, I should stick with one or the other and not try to do the bodyweight HIIT on the "off days"? Also, I slipped two discs in my lower back while lifting weights about 10 years ago. I know that my back will be a weak point

I am working on losing weight and getting in to shape for the first time in a long time. I have been eating right for several months and I recently started doing something along the lines of HIIT body weight exercises. I would like to start lifting weights as well. There is a lot of conflicting information available

She didn't really store stuff in there, it was just a temporary situation.

Yeah, that was the worst, trying to dig all that melted plastic off of the heating element and bottom of the oven. Although my mom would have said that having to pay for more Tupperware was the worst.