
I'm pretty sure that I have never been this spoiled (and, in fact, I like to think that most of these are just trolls and aren't really this terrible), but I can remember one Christmas where I was upset that I didn't get the N64. I never came right out and said it to my parents, because even then I knew that was

That's what I asked her. My parents are very clean and tidy people but apparently she was in a hurry to get them put away before guests arrived. They were the big rectangular containers that don't get used very often and putting them away usually involved getting a step ladder to put them in the back corner on the top

We had that problem once too, except it involved a box of scalloped potatoes and a egg nog flavored alcohol. We found out that alcohol, even if it tastes like a dairy product, is not a valid substitute for milk.

I have been a bad cook for most of my life. I am getting slightly better, but not great. I have ruined several pots while trying to make ramen noodles or macaroni and cheese (once while trying to boil a mouthguard) because I forget that I have water boiling. I also spent two hours trying to figure out why my pot

This is the thinking that allows me to justify my movie collection. That, and the "Thrill of Discovery" that Thorin mentioned.

I gradually stopped getting excited about new Simpsons episodes years ago, due, in large part, to the unnecessary cameos. The last episode that I ever saw, and the moment that I realized that The Simpsons was dead to me was Season 16's "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass." Yao Ming, LeBron James, Tom Brady, Michelle Kwan

I used to wake up early to watch this show. I loved it so much that I started taping it and the very next day, the show was off the air.

We've got a 9 month old high needs baby at home. He will sleep with us, but he WILL NOT sleep alone. This includes naps and overnight. If he is left alone, every 10-15 minutes he will reach out to see if he can feel us. If nobody is there, he wakes up screaming/crying. We don't want to try "cry it out," but even if we

Best part of a great movie. Thanks for taking the time to write that all down.

It took me a few times to read it to. I finally had to read the essay question to get it. "Impress her by talking about how atmospheric nitrogen can be used to age artifacts. Works for me every time."

There is a local lady who makes little nisse dolls. We have three of hers scattered around the house and a fourth that looks like Santa that we bring out around Christmas.

I accidentally bought a bootlegged copy of Trigun and Hellsing online. Looking back on it now, it should have been obvious that the site wasn't legit, but at the the time, I was young and naive. That being said, the packaging was sub-par, but the discs were fine and the picture quality was great. I kind of wish I had

Don't even get me started on that movie. I have wanted to see it for years and finally saw that it was going to be on TV a few months back. Set the DVR to record and went out to mow the lawn. When I came back, my wife told me that she had cancelled the recording because something she wanted to watch was on at the same

I was unaware of this project, but I really don't know if there is a better writer/director to do this.

This is very much the type of movie that would have been an awful train wreck, but I can't help but feel that we missed out on something truly special when this was canceled.

What doesn't make sense though, is that SHIELD would just let her do it. I wouldn't imagine that many spy agencies would be so tolerant of a former enemy hacking their systems.

I hope that if she ends up being the daughter of a SHIELD agent, that she is at least Fury's daughter. That way I can pretend that the other's aren't taking her on as some kind of protege or to protect her, but because they are acting under orders from daddy. Kind of like how the boss's kid will always work their way

I'm not usually one to get too worked up about the lack of diversity in a show, but I definitely think that in this case, you have a point. This is supposed to be a multi-national organization.

I have to agree with your analysis of Skye. I don't care for her at all. I am not a huge fan of Ward either, but I like him as a general character. I also agree with Rob in that the characters are too young. It just seems unlikely to me that this small group of young, inexperienced characters would keep getting