
I'm not confident that I understand the plot here, but just enjoy the never before seen mix of soccer trick shots and Christmas

[Sigh]: "CAN

A League Of Hormones


Rookie Of The Clear

Field of The Cream

That's jealousy you feel, not hatred. They're easy feelings to confuse.

I agree Ferrell fatigue was understandable, but to write him off completely sucks. He's been in some hilarious stuff since his overexposure days. Step Brothers, as you mentioned. I also thought The Other Guys was extremely fucking funny.

Same here. I said this to MKM the other day: I'm liberal too, but that Penn State story (you know the one)—-and the comments that followed—-is a perfect example of why some people fucking hate us.


Now playing

You used to be one of the frequent crossovers that I would see over there. I'm not imagining things here am I? Or looking through rose-tinted glasses? I mean, Botswana Meat Commission FC and Brad Brown were really funny. Even the ones who didn't try to be funny all the time, like Lysergic Assett/Salome Valentine,

You know what sucks? When I first started commenting here, I used to split time between Deadspin and Gawker. A lot of people did. There were some really, really funny fuckers over in the comments. I've gone over there a few times in the last month, and I never see anyone who used to frequent it over there anymore.

I don't know man. Phintastic has been here for a lot longer than Echo.

What pisses me off is the fact that the last guy who commented there (well, the second to last now that I've left a comment) has probably never, ever been on Deadspin once. This place doesn't run articles trashing females, and the comments aren't dudebroish, which is why I hang out here instead of ESPN or some place

Turns out the red was actually a "man-period", which baffled my urologist. I guess I'm a medical miracle.

I did miss this actually. +1


As you can see, he can no longer deny its effectiveness as a news spreading, and breaking, tool.

The secret ingredient in Uwe jam? The nightly sweepings from the floor of a sweatshop.
