Derek Jeter, according to Fortune, is a greater leader than Gabby Giffords
Derek Jeter, according to Fortune, is a greater leader than Gabby Giffords
Are you 89 years old?
Rice Krispies TREATS cereal was so fucking good many states banned it based off the sugar content (or so i was told when trying to buy boxes, wholesale, from supermarkets across Pennsylvania).
Marchman was reported to HR immediately after the list was posted.
The best is the song about a guys daughter who dies because they didn't make it to the hospital in time due to protesters blocking traffic. This should be a parody band, but their frequent appearances on Fox and friends probably rules that out.
Reading that revealed this band's lyrics which establish them as, essentially, "white power light."
Inside a typical, non-descript industrial park, inside a typical, non-descript building, there is a basement. In this basement, there is a room that is usually locked. Outside this room there is a security guard, who is usually breathing and does not usually contain a .38 caliber size hole in his forehead. Inside the…
NBA Players: We want less material!
"I'll show you a thing or two about sitting on a rim."
The NBAers lost the game, because they'd like to return home
If no one ever says anything, nothing ever changes.
It's a clever homage to the fact that most people who eat at Jimmy John's are high/wasted.
It would have been 64 but he rimmed out a five footer.
Whether he'll admit it or not, after hearing this I can guarantee you Jay is on pins and needles. Well, at least needles.
Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013
Here's a leaked look at how WWE edited the end of Wrestlemania 20 for future dvd releases:
Just arrived in my inbox...
Rob Ford: [enters drunken stupor]
Can you really blame him? Letting Bush take the fall hasn't failed him yet.