
I'm not kidding when I say I have that bookmarked, and I go there when I'm in a bad mood sometimes because it makes me laugh when I see it.

Piggybacking off of Phin down below, who would get the WCOTY (Worst Commenter Of The Year) award?

Yeah, but in all fairness almost all of those PMs came from me. I'm pretty self-loathing.

I don't know man. Gamboa tends to choke sometimes.

You spelled "you" wrong.

There can be only one.

This is also a fun drinking game to play while listening to the song "The Rockafeller Skank"

Yeah, that's good.

Dude, I've been saying that Rural Alberta Advantage album is one of the best to come out this year for a while. Actually, pretty much since it came out. It's in my top 5. And I actually think this year has been a good one for music, too. Good call.


Aw, and I couldn't ask for a better "Deadspin dad". Just promise me that, unlike my real one, if you ever say you're leaving for a pack of smokes, you'll actually come back.

I mean, you approved me, and look how that turned out.




So...gay baseball players don't have to ride to games in the back of a Volkswagen?

I wanna give a shout out to my man Bryce Harper

What really sucks is that he shares his name with that fringe political group that's trying to get the US to open up Government-run concentration camps.
