
I hate that whoever was hired to help Bill handle this made Camille give a statement instead of having Bill address the allegations himself. All Bill's said is "thanks to my supporters" and "I hope the black media stays neutral." Camille's being dragged in to call the victims liars. I'm not saying Camille bears no

Right? This needs one of those memes with the point going right over the speaker's head.

Damn, I was just coming down here to highlight that tidbit.

It was the perfect cherry on this sundae.

OK, my grandpa was a minister and HE didn't believe in the virgin birth. Jesus H. Christ, people (the H stands for hymen).

True story: two nights ago, we were trying to explain to an extremely drunk friend what smegma is (in a room full of three women and three men, he was somehow the only person who didn't know). He just kept not fucking getting it. Finally I shouted "GODDAMIT, IT'S DICK CHEESE, CHRISTIAN."

I've worked in a half dozen restaurants and never seen nor heard anyone make a racist comment. I've been around people who make jokes based on race, but it was all in good fun and no one took it seriously.

Both of your responses to me on this thread have caused audible laughter. Well done.

Nothing sexier than bajingo.

Chris Brown is (say it with me) :

Did you just call me and schurette old? Dude.

When I worked at Whole Foods, we'd call it the Vegan Rage: vegans would come in to the Whole Body department just to go off about the evils of selling animal products, or because most of the supplements had gelatin capsules. I can think of few things more obnoxious and pointless than going off on a captive audience of

He was great at The Word. However, the people in the audience needed to chill the fuck out after a while. I mean, I'd be thrilled to see Obama on Colbert live, but can y'all maybe save your most thunderous applause til the end?

Fuck Panera. I can make a sandwich and open a bag of chips at home.


Your "gasp, haha, oh but sometimes people LIKE eating veggie burgers hehe" style of writing is so. fucking. annoying.

Oh come on now. I don't eat wheat, so I don't go to pasta joints. I also don't get stroppy because they don't have anything I can eat. If my friends want to hang out with me, we find a place where there's food everyone can enjoy. Leave off.

Remove the leeching class rich from your business model, and suddenly things are feasible.