
Customers are certainly allowed to complain about whatever they want, and I’m allowed to make fun of them when those complaints are stupid—as well as the silly grocery chain that kowtows to their absurd issues.


Yah bc the employees stuck doing the cleanup are totally the ones setting the ticket prices, well done, you

It's sad that stuff like this happens... I remember the days when kids accidentally shot their parents in locally-owned mom and pop stores.

No one is denying that sparky. They were also police officers who knew fully well getting shot is an occupational hazard, whereas getting murdered by the police for existing isn't an occupational hazard for black Americans despite what bigots would have you believe.

Yes! We must know all the facts! Don't make fun of this idiot until you provide us with an exact schematic layout of the restaurant. I need to run some simulations to determine the exact percentage of idiocy before I can make fun of this unnamed and unharmed person.

I think we need to just ban customers altogether. Every job I've had would've been way better without 'em.

They always keep the free samples in glass cases, don't they?

Great point, I yield. It's just wrong to hide what a good little guy you are. Self congratulatory cookies for everyone! Double chocolate? sugar cookies? I guess it doesn't matter because you don't see color. I read it on your FB status.

Hug us and squeeze us and call us George.

And that's how you know she's a keeper.

Ronald Reagan had some good ideas.

Yeah, I'm from D.C. and I had a problem with this name as a kid, only to have my dad tell me it didn't matter.

The music was obscure though, producers looks for obscure music that they don't believe they will need to pay for.

Not unless you also get #blessed with some royalties, nahmsayin?

Timbaland produced Drunk in Love? Then yes, the vocals probably were sampled illegally.


I had to stop myself from going into a rage against the first person to comment on the Gawker version of this, a person who "can't even with this today". He/she might as well have said, "Taliban, can u not". When it comes to a horrifying situation like this, people who can't even should the fuck up.

you KNOW why