
This is the first time in recent memory I've been proud of my country. Never worked a day in your life and you're trying to tell working people how to dress? Eat an inbred dick. If I ever met the royal family I would show up wearing nothing but a soiled diaper and an American flag pin. For freedom. (Not really, I'm


I think you are the only one, yes.

I'm picturing a hidden room in Rebecca's house with a wall covered in pics of Tina Fey, Hannibal Buress, Bill Cosby and LOTS of red yarn...

Oh my lord, is there anyway that you could repost this on Yelp or Amzon? The public needs to know about this at least for safety's sake.

I am making a facial expression I can only describe as sitting at the midway point between awe and horror.

OK the mental image is killing me. xD I'd like the think it'd do the same to him!

No, it says that you are fucking rad. I am equal parts Leslie Knope, April Ludgate and Ilana, if that is possible.

I think you're overestimating the budget of a porn shoot.

We are the same person! I'm catching up with Parks and Rec too (I haven't seen all of it yet; I'm only on Season 5.) I don't think I'm like any of the characters but my sisters decided that I was Andy. I think they're calling me stupid but I'm too stupid to know for sure.

It says we are the same person. Do you watch Transparent? Watch it and let me know if you relate to Ali as much as I do.

I just started watching this show like two nights ago and I love it. Hannibal Buress and his character are SO good. "I can't adopt a dog! I have the crazy life of a dentist!"

Yeah, I absolutely got the impression that the #crimingwhilewhite tweets were an effort to bolster what black folks have been saying, and sort of a catalog of experiences that counter the prevailing narrative (that the police are good guys that aren't racist and should be trusted) and something concrete that can be

Not sure what the orange tips are supposed to accomplish when some cops can't even tell the difference between a gun and a banana:

I can't write a response better than this woman's so I'll just share hers.

Azealia gives me Kanye feels. Like I hear you, yas I get you, but also could you maybe sit down for a second and like idk get a rough draft together?

NBC released a statement just a minute ago..

I once had an elderly woman driving towards me on the wrong side the road with her wipers on and it wasn't raining. But yeah, she was driving slow.