"Should've been a blowjob" is a joke so old I remember it being used when I went to high school 20 years ago. If there's any reason to censor her joke its because its unoriginal.
"Should've been a blowjob" is a joke so old I remember it being used when I went to high school 20 years ago. If there's any reason to censor her joke its because its unoriginal.
Wait, are you saying that blowjobs are equivalent to abortions? Or that a joke about blowjobs was aborted from broadcast? Or... what are you saying?
So what you're saying is that Taylor Swift is an internet hoax concocted by 4Chan to troll feminists?
As someone who still maintains a Yahoo email account, let me assure you that Yahoo was holding down the fort of ignorant, racist, sexist, and homophobic comments WAY before Facebook was even a gleam in Zuckerberg's overprivileged Harvard eyes. Web 1.0 Represent!
To be fair.. we do only have the one white girl with a ponytail. We pay her to jog around in circles, and if she notices someone paying too close attention, she's supposed to change her shirt on the next lap. Unfortunately, for as much money as white people control in this country, we can only afford a white, an…
-Squirrel tastes like shit (Never had possum)
I guess it's OK to be white as long as you're against racists. Which you're clearly not..
No, I totally understand the dichotomy. But I think if the perils of the internet were actually as harmful as our fears of them, we'd be seeing real-world evidence by now. But everything points to the opposite. Violent crime is down, rape and sexual assault is down, hell, even drug use amongst teens is down, while…
It is sort of a brave new world for parenting in terms of sheer volume and variety of information (which I am thankfully a few years away from fully confronting, as my daughter is only 3, so all her access is mediated through me currently), but the underlying principles of oversight and engagement are still relatively…
All violence, across the board, has been exponentially decreasing per capita throughout human history. We are not experiencing a sudden rash of mass murders, we are hearing about them more often, because we are more connected, and because there are simply more humans, in general. Mass murders account for .2% of all…
I understand its disheartening as a parent, but its sort of disingenuous to say that nothing like this existed when you were a kid. All this Slenderman shit is is just the same folklore and urban legends which have persisted in human culture since before the written word, updated through a new medium. In fact, the…
Nobody wants to address this problem because there's nothing to address. Some human beings are just hardwired from birth to be psychopaths. There's nothing that can ever be done about it. If this was somehow indicative of a societal problem, why would the same problem show up in every single society, in every…
Ok, not even getting in to this specific case, but there are literally hundreds of thousands of grown adults who are incapable of distinguishing between reality and fantasy, whether because of mental illness, or temporary drug psychosis or just general delusion. It is not a "human rights violation" to try them if…
So much for my idea of shorts which cover the knees, but expose the genitals..
Well, you know what they say about assumptions.. they make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'mptions'
Yeah, I'm not trying to say she's a paragon a civil disobedience or anything, I was more just responding to the general tone throughout the comments here that 'dress codes exist for a reason and must be followed at all costs'. Teenagers need to see, for their own growth and sanity, that authority figures aren't…
The National Post article has a photo of the girl in front of her school wearing what I assume is meant to illustrate the outfit she was wearing at the time she was reprimanded, so I'm not sure how the weather changing from day to day plays into this. Unless you meant to type that 'weather changes during the day'? …
Yeah, I'm officially an old person now, so I can see that she's technically in the wrong here, but I've still got a soft-spot for teenage rebellion.