Hmm.. Now I'm wondering if its possible to have a 'lazy ball' in the same way you can have a 'lazy eye'. Like, he'd be standing right in front of you, but you wouldn't be able to tell which testicle was pointing at you.
Hmm.. Now I'm wondering if its possible to have a 'lazy ball' in the same way you can have a 'lazy eye'. Like, he'd be standing right in front of you, but you wouldn't be able to tell which testicle was pointing at you.
But isn't a slight mistrust for authority and a willingness to stand up for your own rights a good habit to teach too?
Look, in the end, I don't particularly give a fuck what this girl decides what or what not to wear, but its not victim blaming to point out logical inconsistencies in arguments. Why not just own the fact that the outfit she was reprimanded for was chosen as much for fashion than comfort? Don't attempt to justify the…
Sorry, I'm sure the cause is great and all, and I don't have a facebook, but if I did I might be hesitant to disclose to my employers and relatives that "Displayname likes 'Project Slut'"
Yeah, here in northern Minnesota its been warm, verging on hot the past two weeks. Of course, its hard to convince people that you actually got a sunburn at the beach when all of your pictures clearly show massive icebergs still floating in Lake Superior.
Why not just mandatory short shorts, across the board. Girls, boys, faculty.. I had a 9th grade social studies teacher who was 6'6", with a combover, full beard and a lazy eye who could've rocked the hell out of some jorts.
She might make a more convincing case about the overwhelming heat if she wasn't wearing a hoodie during that interview, and a giant poncho sweater with the shorts in question.
How Rude! Cut.. It.. Out!
Well if commercials have taught me nothing else, its that everyone, of any gender, race, or age is genetically programmed to respond positively to the smell of febreeze, at the exclusion of any other possible odor in the world. While blindfolded.
Thanks for the link. I'm actually a huge proponent of the idea that genetic difference plays a substantial role in a person's actions throughout their life. But I also believe that there are so many genetic variables in each individual person that attempting to draw empirical conclusions of causation based on one…
I was mistaken, and corrected. Thanks.
But if there was a biological gender difference that explained aptitude for cooking, why would professional chefs be overwhelmingly male? Its because there is no biological difference, cooking is just a learned skill.
Yeah, that seems insane to me, too. On one of those cooking competitions like Chopped, I honestly heard one of the women contestants say she wanted to win to "prove that women belong in the kitchen." The multiple layers of irony were astounding. And depressing.
#NotAllDads. Seriously though, sorry your dad was an asshole.
Wow. Someone who understands that certain actions are required in order to maintain a functioning household, yet insists on handing the burden off to his wife. How 'manly'.
Yeah, I spent the first 28 years of my life without a dishwasher, so I usually forget its even an option. And its not an option for any of my wooden utensils, cast iron or copper cookware, or knives, so the load is about 3/4 done before the dishwasher door even opens.
My problem isn't so much figuring out the wash cycles, its remembering that there are still wet clothes in the washer after my 3 year old daughter has dragged me upstairs to play 'princess vs. dinosaurs'. The smell of damp clothes that have sat in the bottom of a washer for 2 days is a much to frequent occurrence…
I'm hoping we can reach a point where taking care of your basic needs and maintaining a household are ungendered activities, and just part of being, you know, a grown-ass adult, but the persistent masculine resistance to housework is still mindboggling to me. Like guys who proudly proclaim that they can't cook at all…
I do err on the side of caution. I don't personally use the word 'tranny' (except, I guess, repeatedly during this conversation, but never outside of academic discussion or directed toward anyone), because I am not a part of either the drag or trans community. I don't even 100% agree with RuPaul's stance on the…