
“...Harper’s and NYRB suggests that these men are too valuable—their stories too interesting—to ignore.”

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How had I forgotten that she is MINNIE RIPERTON’S daughter?!
What a loss, both for Ms. Rudolph and the rest of us.

I was going to come here and say something similar, but you said it better.

“Jamie credits her radiant skin to two very affordable products you may actually already use.”

I agree with you 100% - I’m hoping someone with knowledge of this specific situation will show up here to enlighten us. It seems to me that these individual cases get covered as if they occurred in a vacuum, which makes it easier for decision-makers to shirk their roles in how these kinds of people get into such

I posted this elsewhere yesterday and am reposting today in the hope that someone will know the answer:

9:50 - 10:12 - Workout # 0.5

Yeah - and also, it might have been an eco-system that felt threatened by all these strong, liberal, female stories and wanted to shut them down by installing someone like Moonves.

What I’d like to know is who put Les Moonves at the top of CBS, probably in full knowledge of where he would take the direction of the broadcaster. How did this evolve and come about?

Don’t forget, this was under Reagan. Who was awful. And George Bush I. Who was awful. And both were the precursors to the current shitshow.

Oh, man, what a mess of decisions and weight on your shoulders.
As an Old, married over 25 years and parent of a now-adult child, what I can say is this: I loved being a parent, but kids put some relationships through tremendous strain. I’ve seen so many marriages almost break on the rocks of early childhood - parents

Staff walking backwards can only be expected of those who are the firm. Otherwise you might get collateral damage, and they’ll fall straight off the edge of tomorrow into oblivion. I’m bet they were actually delivering ice cream that was vanilla. Sky views are probably what the staff tried to maintain while not daring

I’m sorry you are going through such a rough time, and sorry for him, too. He’s lucky to have you.

This was my take, too - it’s the kind of thing grown-ups do, even though it’s really hard. I have family members who have done the same thing - delayed divorce long, long after the marriage was through so that they could take care of each other medically/financially.

Another! Another!

I haven’t gotten around to writing to the NYT about this yet, but my personal grievance with them is the almost complete omission of any women from their recent big climate change article. The women are there exclusively to provide character background for the men - there’s not a single female voice of relevance

Yep. Although - I’m not sure...You might be thinking of the Hand of Christ when it comes to blindness.

When you say ‘Christ’ you mean some kind of local moonshine, though, right?

Taylor confessed to police, but said he had a “medical condition that made him lose his temper and senses.”

‘Medical condition’ - is that what we’re calling ignorant, entitled Evangelical racism these days? Can’t we just keep calling it ‘fucking stupid’ like we always have?

But the drug lord(s) was/were some of the funniest bits! Argh.