
Next up, the inevitable Franzen (or similar) take down of Thunberg and the youth movement as an expression of their own cynical helplessness that they prefer over taking real action (besides deigning to purchase kale grown by homeless people)

People who have big thoughts that they’ve expressed in big books, some money,

I did. Some are really funny. But this old hand still needs to mosey along. xo

I think a discussion of what we think we are saying and what we are really saying is always worth having, whatever the form. 

Thanks, this was really nice. Good to see a fellow Old. Onwards.

Good comment - thanks!

Okay, just to close out my Jezebel era with a real discussion: You are correct, I did not get the intended context originally.

But this whole discussion is a really timely wake-up call that this site is no longer productive, at least for an Old like me. There’s always been disagreement and even vitriol, but rarely at this level of just plain dumb. I’ve learned so much here over the years, but there’s a newer lack of willingness to

Ugh, you know what? You’re right. This is a Jezebel problem and a me problem. After being here since the beginning, and really trying to appreciate it even after the big exodus a few years ago of the more interesting contributors and commentors, it’s an uphill battle against the mediocrity.
This is a really stupid

But I do get it. And I don’t like it.
Where’s the fun in taking less time to type something?

I have been here for dog’s years. I know the drill. This one just really ticked me off.

Edit to my original reply to you: I’m trying to figure out why your comment is so annoying, and I think it’s your dismissal of a seriously intended comment on a ‘joke’ article for the simple reason that it was meant to be funny.

Yeah, I live outside the US and can’t easily access that link. So: lacking context.

Fair enough - I haven’t read that article so maybe you’re right. Without that context, though, it’s not successful as satire.

Humorous-less’ is actually funnier than the original piece. Slow clap for you, unintentional comic.

This is all more suspect all makes perfect sense when you realize that Rob is planning to return to Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” 

Exactly. And what if the versions get altered in ways that no one even tells you about - what if that’s done to non-fiction, history, science books, etc.? Nope, give me a hard copy kthxbai

Or it can be altered without your consent. Or retracted unless you pay another rental fee. Etc, etc.

Wow, I’m really surprised that no one has brought up this fact: Unless you download a copy of your digital book that has not been copy-protected in some way, you will never truly own that copy of your book. Long-term, you don’t know if it will still be made available, and you can only lend it according to the

Actually, I’ve had Ezekiel bread without really realizing there were any particular religious associations with it (I live outside the States) and I liked it. Does that mean I spent a short stint on a Christian diet?! Ack.