
These creatures that Trump is nominating did not magically appear on the shit pile overnight. They have been groomed and cultivated in the musty dungeons of the Federalist Society and the other billionaire funded right wing think tanks that hate humanity.

One of the things that riles me up most about MAGA chuds like this kid, as well as Trump and other GOP politicians like Steve King, is how constantly commit the most overt hateful racist acts, yet they refuse to own it directly when confronted by others or when it blows up in their face.

As a community organizer, I start every public and private event here in Oregon with:

I used to defend heavy handed, even offensive satire, sarcasms and irony. I was out there defending South Park and Family Guy, pointing at what the jokes were “really about”. But, I am of the growing opinion that satire is overrated as a means of communicating a position or affecting change in culture.

I honestly don’t know many of us who have been here since the early days who can still handle posting on the MP regularly... I think most people have ended up at the sub-blogs in smaller communities, in no small part to find a smaller community that has a closer connection/gives the benefit of the doubt for discussions

I’min the US, I understood the context, you are still right that it isn’t funny And isn’t good satire and why. 

It’s true that “it’s just a joke” isn’t really a valid defense of social criticism.

Very true. I don’t think this is an example, though-it’s pretty much exactly within their wheelhouse: Post an editorial condemning/snarking at something that you wouldn’t otherwise have heard about, sort of like someone who sneaks into their neighbor’s back yard and then complains that they can see naked people inside

I have been on Jezebel for years which is long enough to know they are not immune to dismal editorial failures. They’ve had their fair share (and let us not forget the Nick days of yore)

And it would be perfect for Fox. this is garbage.

BRAVO to you.

This is the worst content Jezzie has ever produced. It is something that would fit in nicely on drudge report, fox or breibart.com. I appreciate the attempt at ironic humor, but it is a total and utter failure. How embarrassing

I think it’s more of a mockery of the very common thinkpiece trope of trying to justify something widely considered terrible with the argument that it’s empowering just because at least one girl/woman does or likes it.

I read this not as satire of feminism but as satire of the Rosenberg Washington Post piece—that excusing an abhorrent position (child eating or anti-LGBTQ “morality clauses” in an employment contract) by saying “hey, but it’s great that a woman is doing something modern and non-traditional!” is ridiculous.

Agree with this SO much... Everything you said is completely on point. I was like.. so we’re laughing at feminism? ..Why??

I will admit to having watched significant amounts of KUWTK (but only AFTER Trump was elected, so make of that what you will) and I gotta say about Rob, who is forever mentally age 4 in my mind, the unexamined life is not worth living.

I’m starting to think that this family is corrupt right down to the bone. Hmmm.


True also for music, movies, video games, software. I don’t get it. You pay to ‘buy’ it, but then don’t really own it. And can’t lend it? WTF is that about? WHo wants to live in THAT system? Lending/borrowing all of the aforementioned things are one of the great joys in life. :(

Otherwise, throw that shit to the curb, buy a Kindle, regret nothing.