
Been playing this game since day one and I still love it. The new update is as cool as the trailer shows. Only gripe I might have with the update is that I had to pay like 5 Million credits for the item needed to find a derelect freighter but once I found it, I had plenty of fun.

So this is fine for the tires that ship with the Bronco. But what if you need to replace one later on? I am sure you’ll be able to buy them aftermarket but I bet it costs more due to a presumably lower overall supply. 

Now we can see why his campaign manager was stripped of his duties. 

Thanks for explaining that. I understand very little about stocks but I thought this was how it worked if you didn’t want to spend every waking second checking stock prices. Buy low and sell when you think you make a decent profit. Kind of like flipping a house or car, etc.

This would be the perfect start to an episode of “Six Feet Under” if only they still made that excellent show.

My brain said it was a kit car based off of my wife’s 2002 Dodge Intrepid. Glad someone else figured out what it is already or I would be a bit obsessed when I need to be doing other things. Ah, hell, you know I’ll be reading all about this Tagaz now!

They really did get themselves into a different demographic, at least in my area. We drove through the filthy rich part of town and I was shocked at how many had a Telluride in their driveway. I never thought I’d see the day where a Kia would be a status car. But, 2020. 

So you hit the button for “Sport Mode” and suddenly it says “I’m sorry but your credit card was declined, please update your credit card number”.

Wow... yeah no dealer is going to look at your deposit reservation and take it seriously. This is so going to fail.

It’s maybe a shifter as you say, I was obviously wrong. But it’s definitely NOT a column shifter.

Kind of hard to tell from the picture but I’ll take your word for it on this one. I still stand by the fact that a lot of new vehicles are going to push button shifting though.

Another gear shift eliminated by, whatever that is. Seriously, I thought we learned our lesson when that actor died by running himself over accidentally? Yet all the newest vehicles are replacing a good old fashioned gear shift with buttons!?!

Doesn’t the Tesla steering wheel have sensors in it so that you have to keep your hands on the wheel to use autopilot? How did he know where those were and not entirely disable his Tesla in the process of chopping his steering wheel up? 

I imagine in 50 years they’ll look back at our big grills and laugh or say how fugly they are. I think this is one of those things where we’ll have to get used to it or accept that we will be left behind in the next era.

The fact that the only pic he has of the Volvo XC70 is of it with its ass in the air is making it hard for me to think. Just me or is that just too funny?

You’re right. I remember when Ford kept Tesla from using it. I was expecting Ford to use it here now but they must have decided people would associate with Tesla still anyway. 

I don’t think it’s too bad if you compare it to the Model Y. I also think they should just call it the Mach E though and drop the Mustang thing as that is quite obviously a last minute gimmick someone came up with at Ford.

I actually have wondered how much space, and weight, has been saved. Especially after having owned what I believe was the heaviest TV ever made. My wife “surprised” me with a 36" Sony Flatscreen TV in 1998. To make that screen flat it meant the glass panel up front was thick and heavy. Damn thing would NOT fit in the

I have 2 memories about concept cars to share.