
indeed. it is almost a ‘’ miracle ‘’ that no one died and that this gas station didn’t explode or burn to the ground.

The only unlucky person in that whole incident is the owner of the black jeep Cherokee. A bit to our right and his car would have been destroyed and he could have bought something else with the

 A parent who can afford to give their child a Lamborghini, can probably afford an $18M settlement

Holy shit what in the actual fuck did I just read?

It’s amazing how it threaded the needle perfectly between two gas pumps. This could have been waaaaaaaay worse.

Exactly. Only a dummy is putting $7k down on a leased Nautilus. You should always put down the smallest amount possible on a lease, since if you wreck it tomorrow, you aren’t getting that down payment back.

I’ve heard the Aviator is Range Rover level of unreliable.

Well I would get the Fisker

Not to single out Chevy on this, but this is why it is almost ALWAYS a good idea to avoid the first MY of a new car model/platform, there are always teething problems.

shocked to see the jetta on here! have had ZERO issues with mine, love the thing.

It will melt down just fine after you replace it in 9 years when you can’t get a new fuel pump because the part is cryptographically paired to the VIN and hyundai wants 30,000 dollars to replace it.

Yeah, they did a report on 60 Minutes (I think) about this years ago. Can’t believe it’s still going on.

Rogan is a sad, roided up clown

I get the Musk hate but this ‘article’ is laughable 

Seems like someone mentioned doing something like this, but she was vilified for it and lost. 

I mean we could start by enforcing the laws we already have, ticket people who turn into an intersection when there’s a pedestrian in the crosswalk. And for that matter ticket people who blatantly run red lights and stop signs, or who drive on the shoulder, or who drive in the center median, or who use the crosswalk

Eliminating the left arrow? So one car can turn per light cycle at a busy intersection? Ever been ninth in line in the left turning lane? That’s a recipe for road rage.

I will defend the left turn arrow. No it’s not warranted at every single intersection, but it is really necessary in certain spots where you would probably need to sit through 4 or 5 light cycles before you could even hope to get a gap. 

People who drive dangerously already ignore traffic laws.  Imposing new laws won’t improve safety in the slightest.

I have CrossClimates getting installed on my car right now. This comment supports my plan in getting these, so glad to hear it!

That is what I got for my wife’s car.