
Showing my age on this one but I took my lessons and the first (and only) driving test in my Dad’s 1986 Chrysler New Yorker. Great car to learn in and then I earned myself a 1980 Camaro once I got my license, which would not have been so great for the parallel parking test as that back window was full of blind spots.

Never drove one in real life, but I’ll be damned if that wasn’t THE best car to get your hands on in the first gen version of Gran Turismo on the Playstation 2!!

I have to say I agree with this article completely. I am not a current Subaru owner but have been researching a 2018 Outback and so far that has been a very pleasant, mostly no BS experience.

I think it’s fair to honor what Bushnell gave us and award him based on that and that alone. It’s so crazy that we are living in an era where we have a president who openly degrades women and nobody seems to care but when someone who invented something great 40 years ago wins an award everyone jumps on a character

Glad you pointed that out. I could probably watch this in my VR headset, but maybe not such a great idea.

I’d buy it no matter what they call it if they’d just remove that god-awful cladding.

Good chart. I just wish we, as a society, would think about others first when it comes to going out in public, getting on planes, etc. I know some people do not have paid time off and that is total BS as we’re only allowing it to get more of us sick and ultimately costing billions in the process.

You truly win the internets for today!

As an Iron Maiden fan who grew up in the ‘80's and watched Miami Vice on TV, it was definitely my favorite video game of all time. I’d love to see them remake it with today’s graphics.

Please tell me the Mustang seller did not put the title in the buyers name? If he was allowing payments to be made, he should have at least kept the title in his name and could then report it as stolen now.

My wife and I both wear personal air purifiers (air tamer is the brand we use) and ever since we bought them we have not gotten sick after a flight. We used to get sick all the time after flights. We also wipe down everything when we sit down, and is great advice.

That part where you warn about removing battery due to side airbag scares me... I have a ‘13 Sonata and replaced the door speakers but did not remove battery first... guess I should be glad nothing blew up on me!

I was going 75-80 myself so it wasn’t like I was puttering along or anything and I know not to sit in the fast lane regardless, but this was about as close to Darwin awards nominee as I think a driver can get.

I went to Ann Arbor and Detroit for the first time last month, and there were 2 separate incidents where I had to avoid being rear-ended by high speed drivers (estimated at 110 mph at least) and I wasn’t even in the fast lane (they were weaving around everyone). They weren’t even racing anyone else. It wasn’t late at

Atari Space Invaders was my first game. Got it Christmas morning (along with the Atari 2600 for my brothers and I) 1977. My brothers got Combat (or maybe that came with it) and Night Driver. All of us wanted to play Space Invaders and being that I was the youngest, it helped that it was my gift since I never would

Glad they are replacing that tailgate. It has always bugged me that the reflection you get in the current tailgate is upside down.

Guilty. I owned an 86 IROC Z. Never saw this commercial though. If I had, not so sure I would have owned one, LOL.

I truly think if gas stations were smart they would put chargers in. They supposedly make all their money in their convenience stores now anyway so why not continue to have a stream of cars stopping there to refuel (recharge in this case) and still sell them smokes and road beers?

I normally hand wash out in the driveway in the summer. But in the winter I can’t do that, so I have this “rinse-free” wash that I use with 2 separate buckets. One bucket with the fresh soap and one to squeeze the grit into. I use about 20 fresh cleaned microfiber towels in the whole process to ensure that no grit

Hey man, just like Luke, they’re milking the teat!