
I don’t disagree with you now, but my point was that when Empire came out it truly felt like a huge betrayal. This was before Star Wars was on home video so it wasn’t like we had the luxury of going back and seeing those subtle hints again and being like “oh yeah, so Obi Wan knew this shit was true and lied to Luke

Right. And it’s that same numb feeling that I had when I was a kid watching Empire the first time that I had watching The Last Jedi this time. I didn’t hate it. I didn’t have the capacity to say I loved it either. I was just numb. In time, Empire became my favorite of all of them. I cannot say what might happen in

I am not saying it devalues Ep4. I am saying that it FELT that way at the time because we were all in disbelief. If you read my entire comment you see that we all eventually came to accept it and Empire has become a beloved movie. My point is I think TLJ might be the same in the long run.

They were not laid in 1977 by any means. I am not even sure Lucas knew then or maybe he wouldn’t have had Luke open mouth kiss his sister. (Edit: Though he did it in Empire anyway, so there’s that.)

I’ve said this in other comments so I will say it again. Being 45 years old I had the “luxury” of watching Empire in theaters and seeing the aftermath of it as we all shuddered at the thought of Darth Vader being Luke’s father and how that movie basically trounced on the original by doing that. A lot of people are

I won’t say I walked out hating it. I was just numb after watching it because I watched it basically kill everything that Star Wars has always been for me in my 45 years. It’s growing on me now and I am sure I will watch it many more times before I can judge where it belongs on my scale of favorites.

I think you said it yourself. I think Luke embraced death and became one with the force. Yoda died that way. Obi-Wan did too, just before Vader’s lightsaber was about to kill him anyway. It only happens with true enlightenment, is my take on it. And Luke finally did the thing that allowed him to find that

There are a lot of threads in some of the “new canon” books, not to mention even the Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels tv shows that put a lot of focus on children (force sensitive and otherwise) being kidnapped by the Empire (and remnants of it). We have yet to see why all of those story threads have been planted

Pretty much as you state in the article, there’s nothing to stop JJ from undoing some of this “she’s nobody” business as well. I am fine either way it ends up, but the one thing I still would like an explanation of is how Leia seemed to know Rey so well.

If I had $5,000 sitting in line on this I’d be very concerned right now. I wonder how many cancellations will happen once more news like this gets out.

I am going to agree it’s probably a 1979 Camaro. The bumper/grill does not resemble my 1980 Camaro RS that I got in 1988 and was stock. God I loved that car - not a bad first car for a high school kid in the ‘80's!

I just cannot fathom why or how Mazda could have this vehicle in their lineup, take one look at the sheer number of Subaru Outbacks sold here, and not decide that it is an absolute necessity to bring this wagon stateside. Slap a 2.5 liter with CVT in there if you have to, just get it here, Mazda!

Whenever my wife and I are on a freeway and find ourselves behind a truck full of large tree trunks, we both look at each other and nope the fuck outta that lane as soon as safely possible. And we have Final Destination to thank for that.

220 would be worth any tuning necessary. Hmm, now you got me wondering...

I am in my research stages for my next car. The Outback is on my list and I test drove it. Loved everything about it except how damn slow it is, even compared to my current car (Sonata). I know I COULD get the V6 but I am trying to keep my price around 28K and the V6 really jumps the price up. Seriously, why can’t

The very first time I filled up my car after getting my license is exactly when I learned this lesson. Thankfully, I learned it thanks to the diesel pump being larger than the opening on my 1980 Camaro, so I confusedly figured out what was going on and realized my near-mistake before actually pumping any gas into it.

Saw the episode last night and it was great. Bonus seeing Torchinsky in there along with his Beetle! Keep up the great work!

I think the second motor is there to provide that additional force needed to turn the wheel since, without power steering, it will get really hard to turn otherwise. You would do this by default, albeit using more muscles. So think of it in terms of the additional motor adding more muscle for the autonomous car.

In fact, one of the articles I read said as much about Lee in this quote: “Lee did as much as anyone to heal the wounds left by the fighting of the Civil War.”

I was confused by this monument being there in the first place. So, being an Ohio resident myself, I decided to research this a bit more. The most reasonable explanation I could find was that Ohio did have a lot of residents who sided with the southern states in the civil war and many of them went to fight against the