
Fair point. And I suppose there is a difference when those jokes are being told by a layperson (i.e. me) to deflect hurtful comments and when they are being deliberately used by an entertainer for comic effect.

Oh wait, I didn't realise you were also a raging misogynist. To quote your comment on another thread.

I dunno. It might be in poor taste, but, as lifelong fatty, I do get it. It's a pretty bog standard defense mechanism. Basically, if I say it first, the fat-shamers can't say it and hurt me. It's a bummer, but I blame the fat-shaming society we live in, not the fat folks who use that tactic.


Yes. This.

I HATE when Mr UniMoon does it without me. So unfair.

Uggh. You should really avoid this unless you are SUPER CLOSE to the person. Being a few pounds over the ideal is not the same as being really overweight. I am obese and I have food issues. I had a friend who struggles with an extra ten pounds or so. She told me how I just needed to "just decide" to take control of

OMG. That's what they are? Thank you.

Boys just don't understand. :-(

You are not alone. There is a whole dark part of the internet devoted to this.
My husband has the most tantalising blackheads that he won't let me squeeze.

I'm not even gonna finish reading this thread because the clue is in ObviousHuh8's screenname. Seriously, stop feeding him. It'll only make him fat, and we KNOW he doesn't want that!

YES! I do EVERYTHING on the bus to squish myself up against the window and not encroach even a little bit on the seat next to me and then some thin broad comes sits down and starts waving her hand in my face and shit.

Save your knuckles and get a shillelagh instead. ;-)

Lol. "Noble Magic White People."

I've heard similar sentiments expressed by Irish friends. As an American expat living in the UK, who has done two post-graduate dissertations on Irish themes, I hope I have a somewhat reasonable understanding of all three cultures. (Though, obvs, not as much as yours re: UK and Ireland.)

I lived the first 30 years of my life in America. The last 7 in the UK.

And as a fat human being with fat human rights, I'm officially fucking over discussing this like it's some intellectual thought experiment. I'm so bored of demanding (over and over and over and over) to be treated with basic human respect and dignity, as though that's one "side" of an argument that's legitimately up