
More coming soon on this, obviously.

They should just go all in on Plan B and abort the franchise.

Adam Silver is a good fucking commissioner. When was the last time we could say the Big 4 in sports had at least one good commissioner?

None of the players involved missed a shift.

"The Refs stole this one from us!


History books

Should we take him to 'the gun show' [flexes puny biceps] before we drop him off at the dentist?

You say, "That kids, is what it looks like when a house explodes." It's not like a pair of tits flew out the garage door.

I think this is great for the Browns. The fanbase, and the whole city really, should be fired up.

I'm not sure if I like the whole commissioner (er, detective) Gordan being such a role model for a young Bruce Wayne as the trailer led me to believe he'll be. If he gets to involved in Bruce's life early on it's going to made the whole concept of him not knowing he's batman later on more laughable, whether they ever

Surely many people will raise questions about the steep price tag to propose at a Houston Astros game. But when you remember that your $500 provides the team with a season's worth of clean drinking water, it all of a sudden becomes worth it again.

Mind if I join?

I've despised this idiot for years, so pardon me if I celebrate.

"I'm not here to take Geno's job. Geno's my dawg, you dig?"

Typical hug behavior.

This clearly has nothing to do with the Nets as this guy is shooting 50% from the field.

There is no way Will Leitch wrote this. I've heard of everyone on this list.

Just hit the Buccaneer's Logo with the crown of your helmet.