
I think small cars should go “Battle Bots” style and just be wedge shaped, so if a bigass truck/suv/landyacht hit it, they just gets launched off and flips over instead.

Long ago I reviewed year’s worth of Missouri state fatalities. It took little time to be able to determine which occupants died just from the vehicle descriptions.

I think the article is a bit unkind to people with these stickers. There’s a difference between a CEO not being great on a personal level and the CEO being a Nazi hell-bent on destroying a free and democratic state. If we could only buy cars from CEOs where were great people, there wouldn’t be much to buy.

Someone like me. I’m about to import a 1997 Honda Life. Everyone is importing the same JDM cars. If you’re rich, you buy a Skyline. If you want luxury, you buy a Century. If you want a baby supercar, you get a Beat, AZ-1, or Cappuccino. If you just want “a JDM car” you buy any number of basic white Kei trucks.

You think that’s weird. I just spotted JDM second-gen Nissan March with automatic transmission at the local post office. I think it’s the ultimate expression of ‘because I can.’

there are dozens of us out there... I stopped when I went electric, also some asshole stole the log out of my truck....

I might consider this deal if the car came with an “Elon Sucks” bumper sticker...

Size is the only unifying factor here, I noticed there’s no large sedans on this list at all.”

I think you might be on to something with the low miles because of the buicks. They are not any less safe than their chevy counterparts which are not on the list anywhere.  Also this is a WEIRD metric because how is the NHTSA getting their data? it’s not like i’m volunteering the mileage on my vehicle to the

Keep in mind... and it's a gut punch for me to say this,  but the 1990's were 30 years ago...

Delivered to actual customers or delivered to a Tesla center? They're piling up in the field next to my local center....all year. 

Side note has anyone else been mid typing and suddenly go jumped down the page.

How much do ramps and a bucket cost? $120 for an oil change seems criminal. 

My mom was OBSESSED with the design of the PT Cruiser when it came out. I remember those first few months they were basically unobtainable and if you could, you were paying thousands in markups. It worked out great for me though, because I was 15 at the time and about to need a car.

This. Zero Tolerance just doesn’t work. It just fucks people over to the point that they have no options other than crime. It literally breeds criminals.

This BMW has a 2.5 liter engine with 184 horsepower. That’s not much these days. You couldn’t even get a Camry or Rav4 with less power and displacement than that. That graduated license rule makes sense (keeping 16 year olds out of lifted F250s, for example), but it wouldn’t have saved anyone in this case.

stop being a wiener kid. I’ll repeat myself.

This. If he wanted to help birth rates, he could just pay his lowest paid workers at his plants more. Financial security is a big concern for future parents.

Why do you hate the Sun?

He went on to say he’d “love to see auto manufacturers take some responsibility,” regarding the misuse of performance cars”