I’m a dork too.
I’m a dork too.
When Kevin’s dad spills Pepsi all over the table during the cheese pizza incident, you see them wiping up the mess and throwing away Pepsi soaked items. Kevin’s plane ticket was one of those items. They wrote his name on it just for that reason. Easy to miss on a 90s CRT television, but fairly obvious watching in HD…
Agreed. I think stories like this annoy me the most because of what outcome it ultimately has on us ALL. Where I live, when blatant disregard of the laws take place, and multiple laws are broken, good law abiding citizens are punished by even more laws, like a reduced speed limit, certain driving maneuvers like right…
Not victim blaming, but why was she “thrown” from the vehicle? Was she wearing a seatbelt? I mean, she’d probably be a vegetable, but she’d be alive. Not sure which outcome is better, but since there is still an unknown, was she wearing a seatbelt, and how bad were the drivers injuries? Seatbelts save lives!
Won’t die. They’ll just release an EV SUV and name it the “Miata.”
Where in TX? Where I live, I see tons of Rivians, and a few Lightnings, but because cybertrucks are so bizarre looking, they stand out more, so I feel like I see cybertrucks everywhere simply because the other models do better at blending in. Plus, they come in other colors
Greetings from THE FUTURE! I come from the year 2024! A lot has happened in the seven years that you wrote this. Allow me to tell you about the year 2020. A great plague did in fact attack humankind, and as you mentioned, those who were more remote were the most likely to survive. Those gearheads willing to venture…
That’s good in theory, but what about car enthusiasts, being that this is a car enthusiast site? For example, we have 9 vehicles. Because Texas decided several years ago that vehicles need to pass annual inspections in order to be registered, losing the state money, but making inspections easier to enforce, I can only…
But that’s… …socialism!!! BOOTSTRAPS!!!
As a mustang owner myself, I’ve always wondered… …if you say a pedestrian is worth 50 points, and then see them get into their car before you even get a chance, are they still worth 50 points?
We’ve had a 2015 Model S for over 3 years now. While it doesn’t have FSD, because it’s a 1.0, it does have autodrive and autobraking. There are many times when the car will drift into another lane on it own. Since no other cars are around and in danger, I will look down at the screen and see that the car KNOWS what it…
Why use a third party in the first place? Pizza Hut doesn’t have their own drivers? It’s silly to order from a third party if 1) they have employees that deliver or 2) you plan on picking it up yourself. For one, the local business which may not have their own drivers lose money, since the third party gets a cut. And…
Any car from that era would make for a good EV swap.
Scotty Kilmer also has made that particular model of Celica unobtainable for many, and his isn’t even a GT
Did people forget that its 2021? I know the story happened in the UK, but I swear, after 2016 it feels like we stepped a century back in time, where racism, antisemitism, and sexism runs rampant, and there are plenty of people who assume this behavior is ok. (Previously they’d keep their feelings quiet due to social…
As many porn site links, crypto business promoting, and general other spam within the comments that I report, I can tell you that YouTube doesn’t give a damn. They clear it when you submit, but if you refresh, it’s still there, days, months, even years later.
OMG… …eating anything with peanuts while you are pregnant… …”What if the baby is allergic?” Apparently replying with “then I guess she’ll die” is not an appropriate answer. But it makes you wonder… …are that many people now allergic to peanuts BECAUSE so many pregnant women avoided it? I mean, you can be allergic to…
Same problem here. Thankfully neither of us are on FB. My husband has an account, but I still refuse. We are guilty of eBay and Facebook. One day my husband found a 1953 Packard Caribbean near our house. It was a basket case. I knew it was a bad idea because this was a car that needed to be restored 100% to original…
My daughter claimed the exact same thing. I have absolutely no idea how she came to this conclusion as she is a virtual student, and Roblox is the only way she can talk to anyone. She must’ve found the false information out via online search. But all I had to do was type the word “roblox” and get correct info, even…