
Well see. That’s my point. Employers want you to have a degree just to qualify for an interview. My degree in General Studies certainly did not prepare me for my dream job. It got my foot in the door, and I was hired right out of it, but my dream job ended up paying $14/hr, and I knew that I could easily be replaced

Again (seems to be a common theme in the comments section) I must ask why we were all told that we needed college degrees to get any decent paying employment. I can’t even fathom how bad my life would have been had my parents not paid for my college, and I had to take on that debt myself.

Parents paid. Got a bachelors in general studies because after 7 years, you just need to get a degree and get out. Interviewers just wanted you to have a degree. Could be in recreation and leisure, they don’t care. And that’s the problem. I got a job right literally out of college, dream job. Listing required a

But my parents wanted me to go to college instead! 

Honestly, who here who has ever been to a Buc-Cee’s has ever NOT spent 20-30 minutes there? They’re pretty busy though with ICEs, so they would need to expand current locations to accommodate for EVs too.

So... Slavery is bad. Fossil fuels are bad. But instead of incentivizing businesses to change their evil ways, because that’s a stupid way to waste tax payers money, it would be best to just make their way of life illegal, shut everything down, and everyone who loses their job as a result will now have to claim

Tax and spend. Tax and spend. If they do it right, which the probably won’t, but theoretically, they would replace ICE related jobs with those installing/building the new EV infrastructure.

Tax and spend. Tax and spend. If they do it right, which the probably won’t, but theoretically, they would replace ICE related jobs with those installing/building the new EV infrastructure.

What about the cargo on the ship? In particular, the containers that may or may not be filled with, what I can only now assume are the remains of, refugee immigrants hoping for a better life? ...asking for a friend.

How developmentally challenged? Most of those people are already in the system, having received aid from birth. These organizations are there to help these people gain some independence by using what abilities they do have. I know of one that basically cleaned office buildings every night. They emptied office trash

Agreed. How many jobs were lost when we no longer had elevator attendants doors opened and closed automatically and we had to push a button ourselves? It’s absurd that he thinks outdated employment needs to be saved. How many high school drop outs can operate a ride share app, be a personal shopper, mow lawns,

We’re talking about the workers, right? Not the several hundred refugee migrants in search of a better life by letting people ship them in containers, correct? ...asking for a friend.

Please ignore my reply.

My father in law not only had to deal with an abundance of homeless people on his commuter rail, but where he parked his brand new truck at the station, he’s had his cats stolen twice! 

Same. I hate how that one stupid site has utterly destroyed so many others. It would have probably also hurt Jalopnik if they had decided to boycott like us, and not cross promote on that platform.

Can we also get rid of all the Texas Edition trucks? Not all Texans drive a truck. I find this stereotype offensive to my people!

Can we also get rid of all the Texas Edition trucks? Not all Texans drive a truck. I find this stereotype offensive to my people!

If CA tacks on fees, could a car then over time become worthless? Possibly even crushed because the current owner, or potential buyer, would need to pay back all those fees due to the years of NOT being registered?

Geez! It sounds like CA realized that a great deal of their population don’t own their own real estate, and of those, many live out of their cars. Probably cheaper to live in a Model S than rent a one bedroom apartment! So they found a way to keep taxing their citizens. least until all the middle and lower class

Worked for AMC