
“Perfectly good job?” How sure about that are you? For all we know, whatever pay and benefits weren’t worth the pain and suffering. Lots of people leave jobs that cause them more stress than the money’s worth. And some do it without a back up because it’s so bad. I had one that I quit because at that point in time, I

Feb 10th? Honestly, I didn’t take the whole corona thing seriously by then. Heck, the week before that, I had just gotten back from a trip to Orlando with my family. Even in March my husband’s company was making him fly to London and NYC. I wouldn’t blame the guy for quitting, as on Feb 10th, most of us were thinking

Anyone who’s buying this has no intentions on actually tracking it, or driving it period. So your suggestion of buying multiples to actually have fun in is moot.

Naming a mustang “Eleanor” is like naming a mustang “Sally.” Way too common, way too boring. 

I remember 1989. I remember those 50s classics being admired, and anything older too. ...60s and 70s cars though... ...who needs them? That’s why I don’t understand why muscle cars were going for 6 figures in the 21st century. They were old gas guzzlers back then. No one wanted them! But 1989... ...brand new cars...

When there are over 30 million people in our country unemployed, and regular ordinary folk, possibly even your neighbors, are forced into camping out at food lines in hopes to provide their children with whatever food banks can provide for them... ...wearing such a mask would be a major slap in the face. For all I

Reminds me of the first and only brand new car we ever owned. It was a plug in electric, so since the technology was too new, we decided to lease it. Never dove one of those before. I remember the awkwardness involved in the leasing contract. There, with my husband, I asked what would happen to the lease if my husband,

As a Dallasite, I can tell you that spring has come early, and we’ve had quite a bit of days this month in the 70s, with one in the 80s. By March or April, if 150 degrees is all that is needed, leaving your car parked on the black top with the windows all up should do the trick.

I know, right?! How do they expect us to load in all those heavy groceries, and kids with the car seats?!? I don’t have that kind of upper body strength! It’s a chore just to climb into the beast myself! And don’t get me started on all those blind spots! I nearly ran over a kid today in the school parking lot while I

You do on a Tesla. It’s mostly for adapted braking, but adaptive cruise control uses it too. I set it to two car lengths, but during bad weather, or I’m just not feeling very attenative/safe, then 3 or 4. The thing is that it always remembers the setting. You don’t have to manually set it every time like you would

I own a 2015 Model S. Sometimes it randomly decides a road has a set speed limit even when there is no sign. Sometimes it’s a speed that doesn’t even correlate to other nearby limits crossroads might be. I know the history of most of these roads, and know what speed limits they used to be, so no, it’s not outdated

There is a road I frequently drive our Model S down. Speed limit is 55. For about a few hundred yards it’s 75! At least, that’s what Tesla thinks. Every time I drive, I look all over the place for anything resembling a sign, thinking maybe it’s seeing something I’m not, maybe a sign on a highway overpass, no.

I twice had an adorable red 1988 325i convertible. Even though I was only 14, my family needed a third car, knowing that it would soon become mine. Well, being an inexperienced 16yo driver, the car was totaled, trying to make an unprotected left. My father sold it to a guy who wanted the engine. Fast forward to 8

I’ve been marketed electric jeeps ever since I was old enough to set foot inside a Toys R Us. This ain’t new.

I live in a pretty red state, and I must say that I simply don’t understand it. The poorest citizens, the sickest... ...they are in red states. ...and many still support Trump! I know some people enjoy watching people suffer from their own ignorance, but my god! How can you enjoy any form of ignorance? Especially one

That sorta reminds me of when Obama was elected. It was so great. He proved that truly anyone could be president. ...Then Trump was elected, and so I thought, “My god! Literally ANYONE could be president!”

Same reason there’s no maximum to vote, or even have a drivers license. I still have yet to sit behind the wheel and be graded!

“Don’t hate the players, hate the game?” ...but my $5 Costco rotisserie chicken!!! Some things are more important! </sarcasm>

The man should honestly try to cure his syphilis first before worrying about the rug on his head.

While I agree with you, giving these children any kind of hope or belief that they actually have a fighting chance is better than any kind of cynicism or truth we could give.