
Trump is the school bully who foolishly thinks getting elect class president means he officially rules the school so she promises other students that he will shorten the school week, mandatory pizza parties every Friday, and the drinking fountains will flow with a constant supply of chocolate milk. ...and the majority

Before vaccines people died of real diseases like polio and tuberculosis. There was no such thing as autism. Now people are getting cancer left and right and autism is an epidemic! Correlation IS causation!

He is still living in the 80s. It’s part of the ongoing dementia. And in the 80s, getting AIDs was a serious threat. It was a life sentence. Straight people were getting it from blood transfusions, and people were scared to even be near anyone with AIDs. You could get it by having them breath on you, or even toilet

Must be a republican thing. When Beto was running for senate, Cruz tweeted that Beto would ban BBQs in the state. I am pretty sure a lot of people believed him, and Beto’s life was now in great danger. People don’t realize how deadly shit like this can be. None of these are jokes, and if they are, can easily be

Secret off shore account that miraculously was unharmed by the hurricane.

1. They have fully bought into the Trump doctrine and believe he’s the second coming (some literally believe that).”

I’m that way about “hubby” and “bae”

Grody to the max!

Well, until the big three (two) put out an equivalent, that’s all we’ll ever hear about. Chevy had the right idea with its 2nd gen Volt plug in hybrid, but they failed at marketing it. They had no intentions of competing. Ford’s version was laughable, but then they gave us that mustang teaser, so we’ll see. 

Most modern pickup trucks aren’t used as work horses. They don’t go off road, haul or tow anything. I mean, my neighbor even parks his bone stock F150 on carpet!

NKOTB did that, but made it a part of the show. They traveled from stage A to stage B, and along the way shook hands, took selfies, sighed autographs, gave hugs... ...they came right up to me and the ONE security guard there held me back. Like it was ok for every single row before and after, but no. I should be the

I live in Texas. I have no friends.

Turns out that increases in tariffs have wiped out most of the tax gains from Trump’s tax cut.”

Can’t wait till American buyers finally realize how stupid and pointless it is to own a truck, and the industry crashes. GM made a lot of good cars, some even great, but all they cared about was selling more trucks than Ford, so that’s all they marketed. Need to go off road? Great. Need a serious way to haul

“Show us his birth certificate!”

I saw a movie with a similar message at the beginning. I can’t remember what is was, but I remember thinking that Disney should release Song of the South with this same message. I mean, it already does this with animated movies where a character smokes. 

That’s when I saw it. I was only 3yo, and my father took me. I don’t remember much from that age, but I sure as hell remembered that film! The cartoon segments were very entertaining. The live action parts were fairly boring, and I would just play with my jackets zipper.

Sing Along Songs was a good example. We had the Aladdin one, which was all about friendship (you ain’t never had a friend like me). It included the “How Do You Do?” song. At the very end, they would advertise other tapes, which included a few seconds of “Zip A Dee Doo Dah” to show that movie had a sing along volume.

That was my argument. I bet the owner hadn’t even hauled anything more than you ever had in your Honda either. However, “take the truck with you. See if it fails on you.” But that was never their defense, so I’m guessing that wasn’t the case.

The problem is that they’re like cops. When a police officer does something terrible, everyone hears about it. You never hear of the of the officer that risks getting run over trying to help out a stranded motorist. Or heck, saves a life.