I don’t know if he’d win the electoral college, but if the election were based on popular vote, the fact that he’s from Texas would help him a lot. Over 3.8 million Texans voted for Hillary in 2016, and she isn’t even from here.
I don’t know if he’d win the electoral college, but if the election were based on popular vote, the fact that he’s from Texas would help him a lot. Over 3.8 million Texans voted for Hillary in 2016, and she isn’t even from here.
“Echoing rhetoric of fascists, Trump declares that “Our country is full!”
When my father passed away, we had the funeral at a local mega church. I had no idea he knew so many people that cared. With all those seats... ...his brother wasn’t invited. His son, which was invited, because he’s awesome, was given the task of telling his father that a year after his mother died, his little brother…
Windmills cause cancer, and vaccines cause autism. Common knowledge.
I personally hate everyone. Doesn’t matter who they are. I don’t even have to meet them. Hate. But do I ever act out on that hate? That’s the thing. I can still be polite and nice and still hate you in secret. Racists can too. It’s sad that there needs to be training, but clearly there’s a need. They’re not capable of…
“ban abortion after six weeks, before many people know they’re pregnant.”
I hope the other owner buys the carnage. Always a good idea to have a parts car in hand, especially one that rare.
I personally believe that anyone who voted for him, ESPECIALLY those who still support him (there are still a lot) should be convicted of treason.
I still see soooooo many vehicles with Trump stickers. Some even supporting him in 2020. In a way, it’s good that people forced themselves into wearing a sign that says “I’m stupid!” so that you can just avoid them. But it is also greatly depressing to be reminded on a daily basis at just how many ignorant mofos…
This happened in Westlake? There’s no At Home location in that extremely affluent suburb. Not much commercial retail there at all. They rely on their neighboring towns for that, and none of them have an At Home location either. None of the nearby At Homes match up in layout either. I can easily believe Westlake…
This is what you fix? I can’t stand the stupid duck bill bumper on the the entire lineup! At least the S’s moustache hides it. (We got a 2015 because I didn’t like the updated look).
Expensive option that everyone refers to as a “green house.” Not practical in any southern state. Got one in a loaner model S, but it was raining all day, so I didn’t notice. But my moms Infiniti SUV has something similar, and I close it whenever I’m in if. I also need to point out, that my other car IS a convertible,…
Just because they spend their life on Instagram and SnapChat doesn’t make them any more intelligent than 16yos 20 years ago. There was a thing called the internet back then. I know, because I was on it. I voted in the 2000 election. It was my first time voting. I was somewhat informed, but more interested in just pursu…
Agreed. If only there were some form of planned parenting, or free contraceptives for both genders. “We don’t want to pay to feed and care for the child we forced you to carry to term!”
Oh, I get it! “Life back home bad? So bad you’re willing to risk your life to come to the US? Well, good news! We’re working hard to make you feel like home. Too real? You can go back.”
We have a 3 car garage, but we’re car people, so clearly that’s not good enough. So we built a separate four car garage (high enough for a lift). Since we built it for its intended environment and use, we insulated the crap out of it. Even the garage doors are insulated. It stays pretty cool in the summer and warm in…
I remember one year, after the castle fireworks, and everyone was leaving all together as a massive herd going super slow because well, you can’t fucking go any faster because PEOPLE. There was a lady in a rascal mowing down people, honking, and yelling “I’m in a scooter!” Not, “I’m having a medical emergency”, or “I…
We only arrested him because he threatened a jihad. Had he said he was going to fulfill a request given to him by a Christian god, our Lord and savior, we would have looked away. Just sayin’
$800? I live in a Dallas suburb, which borders ruralness. Entry level wages are low because cost of living is also fairly low. There are several trailer parks among the million dollar homes, farms and ranches. Any apartment built this century starts at $1500 a MONTH. They’ll have a $1000 model, but you’ll never get…