I remember a time when Texas had a female democrat for a governor. I’m not that old!
I remember a time when Texas had a female democrat for a governor. I’m not that old!
I know it’s 2019, but my guess is they’ve been at the show for 3-5 hours. At some point they did in fact get up and look around.
That’s what I always think of at shows. If you are covering the paint with something like this, you clearly are trying to hide something. I am super proud of my car, to the point where it did it’s fair share of shows. It was also my daily driver. I had magnetic “please don’t touch” signs hiding paint flaws, and a…
Same. I just have mine polish the wheels, since it’s driven, not trailered.
Go to a dry southern state and just buy another 1998-2012 Ranger. Go to urban cities where idiots buy them and never take them off road or haul anything, ever. If you plan on keeping your original 2004, then it will make a good parts car for this “newer” truck. When that does happen, it will be like your old truck got…
They spent an insane amount of money to be there, so they SHOULD own the place! Everyone else there somehow got in cheaply, like a sweepstakes, thus should be treated like peasants, or they have enough money to go multiple times, or just this once, and it not be a big deal for them financially, so fuck em for not…
So... ...what happened was the previous owners were using the garage as a sort of additional room. Like a den of some sort. It was the sort of cut pile intended for super high traffic, and possibly outdoors, and no padding under it, just concrete. This is Texas, where 115 degrees is normal and 20 degrees occasionally.…
I drank wine as early at 17. In some countries it’s legal. And depending on what state, legal as long as your parent knows about it, and orders it for you. Almost every time I did it, my over protective mother was with me. How do we know that’s not what happened here?
“Gen Xers carry the highest auto loan balances with a median of $18,741 and are the most likely of other age groups to have a car loan.”
“groups of 8 walking side by side down a path.”
Nixon is a jaywalker compared to Trump. But we cannot ignore our history, no matter how dark. Trump MUST be in the Hall of Presidents, but like Nixon, simply exist, no speeches.
When you have $800 to throw away, you don’t give a damn about ruining that one family’s picture of their first and only trip there with your propaganda. They were probably “libtards” anyway.
Where I live, people don’t use trucks to haul or go off road. They are mere grocery getters. In fact, before my neighbor bought a corvette, they used to park their truck in a CARPETED garage.
It’s a truck. We don’t know the owner. Most owners would wash it and never once take it off road or haul anything. For all we know, this guy drives up and down gravel or dirt roads, possibly even use it for hauling or towing, off-roading to deliver that cargo. Jeep owners love leaving mud all over their vehicle,…
I own a 1994 Ford Mustang. First time in 14 years for a redesign . Got it used private party in 1998. In 2000 it blew a head gasket. There was a recall unknown to us. Ford reimbursed us for the service. I still drive that car to this very day.
Make him look worse? California is a bunch of liberals and Puerto Rico is a bunch of Hispanics. I think his base is totally ok with that. Xenophobia is cool, racism is great, misogyny is wonderful. They’re all ok with it. But if they have to pay a dime extra in their own personal taxes, that’s when they’ll take a…
Being proIsrael is anti-Islamic! But, thanks to something that happened 17 and a half years ago, there is a hierarchy of racism. Jews are higher on the ladder, and thus get some protection. Muslims are at the very bottom. They’re worse than Mexicans and blacks. Being anti-Islamic is your right as an American, and to…
My greatest fear when I start seeing Hispanics with dirt on their forehead. Do I let them know it’s there, or don’t I? Is it rude not to? Is it rude to just ignore them?
This is why it’s upsetting that EV manufactures target city dwellers, rather than suburbanites. Most people who live in the city can’t charge at home, as there are no outlets or permissions from the apartment owners. Locations of public chargers are still out of the way, and some places even have laws about how long…
Still can’t believe they killed off the Chevy Volt. Plug in Hybrids are great for people who are unsure about EVs. People who live in the city, and thus, may not be able to recharge at home or work. We really didn’t have any range issue with ours, minus a few trips where we had to use gas for a mile or two. But the…