
I have a Tesla, which replaced a Volt. These specific cars were both SOLAR powered, as we generate our own energy with our home panels.

Red Scare? There is a man in office who was elected through dezinformatsiya! An oligarch who opposes the first amendment, who made democracy a living joke! He made an Eastern European The First Lady, and continually is being accused of colluding with the Russians.

Well, that was a fairly common belief in the 30s. It was once considered ok to be a racist xenophobic. Germany was ethnically cleansing groups they disliked. And picking a side was just as difficult, as Russia, a bunch of dirty commies, were not only killing the same groups, but their own kind as well. Win/win in

That’s how Dewey defeated Truman.

My 94 has about 190,000 miles on it. Anything less than 10k a year is considered “low mileage.” Because it’s been properly maintained throughout the majority of its life, it’s pretty reliable. Things that have failed on it, could have very well failed on yours simply due to age, not mileage. In 2000, I had a head

Believe what you want to, but I’m giving some blame to the Russians. The American pawns involved may be completely clueless, but this is clearly an evil commie plot led by Putin. Republicans wanted to call liberals a bunch of socialists who hate our country, but seriously, who’s disgracing our nation, and actively

Had a sprinkler guy swear to me that so many companies were actually privatized, and not government owned. USPS and IRS being the few examples he gave me. Of course, he also pointed out why celebrities, who are against having a wall, feel they need their own walls and gates. How is that fair? They chose to become

I know I’d watch. 

I hear those things are awfully loud.”

Because there still are a lot of them that support him. It’s one thing to be wrong, and understand what/why it’s wrong, and then have people constantly remind you daily that what you did was wrong. But there are still people out there that are so ignorant and stubborn that no matter what Trump did or does, they made

My 67:

If the round body SN95 is so great, why didn’t you keep them? I mean, I too, am a fan. I’ve owned my 94 since 1998, and still drive it. Mine could use a fresh coat of paint, but honestly, I can’t image ever getting rid of it. You want something modern? There’s engine swaps, head units, cameras, etc. heck, I even have

lmao! An an SN95 owner, I find the concept of the mustang being a compact car hilarious. ...then I drive around, park it, and... ...damn.’s like a Miata among modern vehicles. Even brand new compact cars are bigger than this!

You can’t call them hamburgers if they don’t contact a certain percent of actual burger that the FDA considers acceptable. That’s why companies sell products with “beefy” or “wyngz” in the name. They legally aren’t allowed to call them the product they’re imitating. Of course, with the FDA furloughed, Trump didn’t

Working moms are to blame for childhood obesity? Has nothing to do with the fact that it’s too dangerous for poor inner city youths to play outside just as it is for upper middle class suburban children. Or the fact that there has been a HUGE population migration into the southern US, where it’s just too damn hot to

Amendment 25. He has to be so terrible that a majority of the cabinet are willing to declare that he is unfit for the presidency.

Now playing

Can we make the jump to cartoon, and dare him to cross the line?

That water is an excellent source of iron!

There are town ordinances, which forbid inoperable cars. But a running vehicle with current registration can only be restricted by HOA nazis. There was a town in the Dallas area that attempted to put a lean in the homeowners house because he dared to park a brand new F series pickup on his own driveway. For those not

At least they threatened eviction. With mine, your money was due at the beginning of the month, but they didn’t cash the checks until the end. Went on a trip, and thankfully my husband came home a few days before me because on the door was the eviction notice. We had stuff, and a cat. We could of lost everything