
The event that occurred at Pulse wasn’t addressed because most, if not all, of the victims were gay. But can we at least agree that this regulation is an improvement. Vegas would’ve still happened, but all those other school shootings including the colleges might have been avoided had the same legislation been in

When I was 6-8, my mother would drive me through “the friendly neighborhood” on the way to whatever destination was downtown. I was the one who always to referred it as “the friendly neighborhood.” At that age, I didn’t see color, as everything there was pretty well integrated, but everyone in that part of town was

They’re Millennials, so... ...who cares?... ...right?

I don’t know about FL, but in TX, our district has moment of silence. It’s usually during/immediately after morning announcements. Public school, but you’re allowed to pray if you want to during this allotted time (but who’s gonna stop you for praying elsewhere?)

Blames mental health, prevents access to mental health resources

“I will be leaving for Florida today to meet with some of the bravest people on earth”

What happened during the housing bubble? Who cares if minorities are high risk? Just sell that loan to a different bank. You profit, and lose the risk. Can do the exact same for car loans. This reselling of other people’s debt will never backfire, as it will always be someone else’s problem.

Don’t you see? It’s the Trump administration. They did this. They set this up. More children will die until we finally give up our guns. That’s what he wants us to do. He’ll blame the liberals, but it’s what he wants. He doesn’t want the American people to finally rise up and overthrow their corrupted government. A

You know what amuses me? The fact that you still have to be 21 to buy alcohol. I think 25 to rent a car. ...but you can barely be 18 and LEGALLY allowed to fire upon and kill several people, so long as they’re in the military and ordered to do so. I don’t know if you have to be 18 or 21 to buy an AR-15, but you can

He sits alone on a giant throne

Started by an 18yo? So... 1999-2000 this kid was born? It’s easy to excuse those born before the civil rights movement, but this kid has experienced what? Grew up in a world of equality. If he saw color, it might’ve been due to white guilt or reverse racism, but that’s still too young to experience enough to join the

I know a morman who divorced twice. Not sure if it counts as two though since it was with the same man.

Then the tertorists win.

I go to various doctors a lot. Every time I go, it seems that they always ask me if I had a flu shot, never if I wanted one. This year, just about every practice I visited, not a single one asked me if I had gotten the shot. Didn’t mention it at all. Is there a shortage? It’s already February, so I’m thinking getting

Doesn’t matter. It will still be Obama’s fault somehow.

...and emails.

Aren’t our taxes paying for all this? I gave birth to a child, with insurance, and she was still expensive as hell. And to think, people have more than one!!!

But. Her. Emails.

Can Godwin’s Law apply here?