
They would rather pay for social services to take away children from unfit parents, pay for their fostering, pay for them to be burdens on society once they’re adults, pay for their welfare through food stamps, WIC, free lunch programs, etc. Even... allow them to be born on American soil, allowing them rights as a

Nuclear Winter. If you only prepare for half, you will only survive half.

“Going to?” I thought alcoholism was the only way to wait out the term. With him trying to take away everyone’s health care, it’s one of the few things you don’t need a prescription for.

“You don’t look anything at all like your picture.”

29yo woman looks like this... ...either this guy is trying to prove he’s not shallow to someone, lost a bet, thought she MUST have a good personality, or never once looked at her face. There was something else about her body that he found physically attractive. I mean, a guy that rich and powerful probably could have

That’s right folks. Every dollar you donate to St Jude’s gets funneled down into ISIS.

Makes sense. If they’re born with mental problems as a result, they’re more likely to vote republican. ...that is, if they can survive into adulthood.

And we pay these fourth graders HOW MUCH to coast through life?!?

“Are there no prisons?”

They go to church more than we do, thus they are better people than we.

I’m from Texas. I don’t care how everyone else voted. I’ve already seceded.

My last economics class was right before Y2K. It’s called “trickle down theory,” and it works. If it didn’t, then politicians wouldn’t keep doing it.

Like in Vegas? The crazy guy who killed 58 people, injuring 546... ...would’ve all been avoided had we sent every foreigner, legal or not, and every nonchristian, into a concentration camp. Should’ve locked Hillary up when we had the chance.

Y’all know he means white RICH people men, right?

Every president has to be in there. They just don’t have to have a speaking roll. Besides, Disney and Nixon have history together. His famous “I am not a crook” speech occurred at the Contemporary resort, just walking distance from the Magic Kingdom.

I’m sure by now he’s begging to be shot in the head

Usually takes 6-7 months, but their explanation was that they were developing new technology for it.

Unlike Trump, Disney learns from history. They would never bring back an extra TERRORestial encounter after the backlash from stupid park guests. Disney put signs everywhere explaining how scary the attraction was, and cast members repeatedly warned guests, but still people complained about how frightening it was.

They can’t just omit him from history. That’s would be like Germany claiming Hitler never existed. What they can do however is stick him in the back with actual forgettable presidents and have him only nod his head when his name is mentioned in the roll call. Speaking rolls since the Clinton administration are