
I was born with blue eyes, which are believed to be beautiful yet still genetically inferior. Every year my eye sight grew worse and worse. I was tired of bandaid solutions like contacts and glasses, so in 2015 I decided to have both my eyes surgically removed. Zero issue with blurry vision now. Take THAT genetics!

I did not want to vote in the republican primaries because I did not want to be around those people, but to those that did, why on earth did they support that man? The whole “Anyone but Hillary” camp should have voted for someone else to be on the ballot. Anyone running would have been better than this guy. I feel

The joke is that all these people claimed that Obama was going to do all these horrible things, but in those eight years, never did. And to this day, they believe that Trumps presidency is a million times better than that socialist Kenyan Muslim. That, and the whole “Thanks Obama” meme. If Korea nukes us, they will

Did you ask them about aborting the fetuses of poor nonwhite women? That having their own hard working money go to pay for socialist programs like medical care for both the mother and unwanted child, and welfare like WIC, food stamps, public school meals, and general welfare checks? Money that could have gone towards

Exactly. We want white Americans mowing our lawns, cleaning our homes, and cooking our food; not some brown immigrant!

Mr Trump... ...SHOW US YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!! He’s probably much much older, and as foreign as his mother.

Doesn’t matter who won. 63 million voters actually thought Trump was the better choice. “Anyone but Hillary” ...but who did they vote for in the primaries? He shouldn’t have ever been on the presidential ballot. Anything he said and did during that election should’ve been political suicide.

Agreed, some of the poorest states are somehow red. It ain’t always gerrymandering. Sometimes, but not always. I know people on Medicare that hated the idea that their taxes (whatever that is because they’re retired and collect social security) hated the idea that a bunch of socialists were going to give that money to

How old is this guy? He’ll die of old age before then. ...and all the liberals will somehow be blamed for that too.

I live in Texas. Red county, but minutes away from a blue one. I wouldn’t put a pro Hilary or Obama sticker on my car mostly because I feared having it keyed, or see an increased in carelessness. You know, dinged door not because the wind caught it, but because they kicked it open on purpose. Sure, I have a freedom to

I love my 94. So much in fact that Ive had it for the past 19 years. I don’t understand why it continually gets hate from car enthusiasts. My 5yo daughter begs me to take her in it practically every day versus whatever 21st century car we have. In fact, she’s been doing that since she was 3, and we had a supercharged

Seriously? The man is in office and somehow good American jobs are STILL being taken by the Chinese?!? Not only did the Chinese take this job from us, but immigrants too! Why would crooked Hilary do this to poor Trump? What has he ever done to her? If she continues to make him look like a hypocrite then he’ll just win

Oh it happened. ...but it was all setup as an attempt to take away our rights. So many children died in vain, but did they give up? No! They had to slaughter many many more in Vegas, beating out the previous record. Just to create an even bigger stigma for gun ownership, and force citizens into really thinking harder

Genetic mutation, or evolution? ...Oh wait! I take it back! Intelligent design! ...I meant to say “Intelligent Design!”

I thought this too. It’s no surprise that Trump made a huge mistake running for office. But sometimes I wonder if he is purposely being the worst president in our nation’s history in hopes that he’ll be fired and he can go back to his old life.

Not to mention that in 1959, if there was even a remote chance that Russia interfered in any American election, everyone from both sides would be doing their part to find those responsible, and have them hanged. Any kind of act that would slow down the investigation would be seen as treasonous, and accused of working

His way of comparing the death count to Katrina is similar to how most people try to make others feel better. You just had some damage done to your house, “at least you still have a house.” You lost your house. “At least you still have your family.” You lost a loved one “at least you still have the rest of your

Yeah, because Sandy Hook, Columbine, OKC bombing, Luby’s Massacre, Ted Kaczynski, Charles Manson, Univeristy of Texas Massacre... ...none of them were terrorists. How could they have been? They were all white men, well, two were technically teenaged boys. 

A tree falls in the woods and no one was around, ISIS will confirm their involvement.

Before 9/11, there was a term for it... ...I forget... ...I think... ...”domestic terrorism.” ...Is that right? That was a thing, I’m sure.