
Scrooge wouldn’t want to see his tax dollars wasted in such a way. There is nothing to gain from this act. He’d pay to send them to work houses, cheap labor, that he could profit off of. Who else are you going to get to work such physically demanding and menial jobs at such a low wage? Teenagers? Ha!

The good lord sent those people to help. Those helpers are merely just a bunch of tools.

I know! Can you believe that? They were supposed to play Dallas, but they wanted to be with their family instead for some reason.

Force Friday was yesterday

But a commonwealth is not the same thing as its own nation. Texas, wanted to join the US, but at the time, you guys thought you were too good for us. We had to become our own nation for survival. Eventually we were allowed into your exclusive club, but after two decades, we were like, “meh. No thanks. Never mind.”

One theory I have made is that since the rest of the country views Texans as ignorant redneck cowboys who ride horses everywhere, we all decided that the only way Texas was going to see any love is if we do it ourselves. Which then evolved into US vs THEM. “Screw the rest of the country because we’re awesome, and

Now playing

They sell that shit at Walmart AND Kohls. I always wondered who would buy that. I figured, maybe it you were homesick enough, you’d order it, since, ya know, you no longer lived in TX.

I know I’m going to get massive hate for this, but... ...remember how great 9/11 was? Like, I’m sure it sucked for everyone who were actually directly effected, but that day, that week, in DFW, everyone was super nice to me. No one cut me off, everyone signaled, everyone was letting others in. Complete strangers were

“just light everyone else.”

When I went to UNT, people would ask me where I was from. “Here” then they’d say “no, where are you from originally?” “Here.” “Nah, I mean, where were you born?” Then I’d tell them the exact location, which was a block off campus. So, not really “here” but “there.” This seemed to blow people’s minds. I mean how can

As a native Texan I feel out of place. It’s actually much much stranger considering how few native Texans (who weren’t born in the last 20 years) there are in the DFW area. You have people who have lived here for a year, 5 years, maybe even 10, and will hate on anyone else who moves in AFTER they have. “They’re over

Why doesn’t Ivanka do something that would actually benefit the country? Like taking all the clothing retailers refuse to continue to sell, and donate them to the Harvey relief.

“Jaywalking?” LOCK HER UP!!!

But... ...her emails!

Real Audio? Wow. Hold on. I gotta log in to AOL first. =)

I feel that I should remind you, as well as everyone else here that shares your opinion on Texans, that 43.2% of the state voted for Hilary. That’s 3.8 MILLION people. Both Harris county and Fort Bend county (where Houston is) were blue. That’s over 800 THOUSAND Houstonians who voted democrat, many who now have lost

Wasn’t Hitler’s grandfather a Jew? Didn’t stop him. He even believed that the German race was blonde, which he also was not. My guess is, it’s like homosexuals hiding in the closet, hating on everyone else, claiming they’re gay, even if they aren’t, as a way to prove they aren’t, even though they are. So Trump MUST be

I had Texas history in 4th and 7th grade. Did they ever mention the Hurricane of 1900 that completely obliterated Galveston? It was gone. Houston was underwater. I didn’t even know until adulthood that my own family was effected by it, like actual dead family members. It remains the worst natural disaster to hit the